Слайд 2If something annoys you, what do you usually do?

Слайд 3What kind of people annoy you? What are their characteristics?

Слайд 4How would you react if somebody told you about an annoying habit

you have? What would you do to change it?
Слайд 5What is some common behaviour that you often find offensive? Why?

Слайд 6What behaviour can be offensive for a woman but not for a

Слайд 7Some people tend to be aggressive? How do you react?

Слайд 8Some neighbours don’t respect other people’s privacy and tend to gossip. How

do you deal with it?
Слайд 9Look at the following habits. Rate them from most to least annoying:

someone chews their nails
someone picks their nose/ear
someone arrives late
Someone pops their knuckles
Слайд 10How patient would you say you are as a person on a

scale from 1 to 10?
Слайд 11What is the most annoying thing your best friend has but you

forgive it?
Слайд 12What annoying thing would you forgive if you liked a boy or

a girl?
Слайд 13What is the most annoying thing that you would never forgive?