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- English stylistics
- 2. Optional literature Нелюбин, Л.Л. Лингвостилистика современного английского языка: Учебное пособие. / Л.Л. Нелюбин. − 5-е изд.
- 3. Lecture 1 Questions for discussion: 1. Introduction. General notions. The concepts of style. 2. Linguostylistics and
- 4. I. Stylistics is the academic discipline which studies certain aspects of language variation. Being an essential
- 5. The word style was borrowed into European languages from Latin; originally stylos meant a short stick,
- 6. The ambiguity of the word gave birth to many definitions of the notion. “Style is a
- 7. The definitions of the term “style” have much in common. All of them point to some
- 8. It seems logical to distinguish between individual style and idiolect. The term individual style should be
- 9. The analysis of an author’s language seems to be the most important procedure in estimating his
- 10. The idea of the individual style brings up the problem of the correspondence between thought and
- 11. The treatment of the selected elements brings up the problem of the norm. The notion of
- 12. It is important for the stylistic analysis to bare in mind the two inseparable sides of
- 13. Stylistics is divided into General Stylistics, Descriptive Stylistics, Comparative (or Analytical) Stylistics, Functional Stylistics, Practical Stylistics,
- 14. Stylistics may be described as a means of coding and decoding of utterances (texts). Thus, the
- 15. The goal of stylistics is to investigate the choice of the language means which are described
- 16. II. Depending on the school of thought linguists apply the term ‘stylistics’ to linguostylistics, the stylistics
- 17. Linguostylistics investigates the system of expressive means, their linguistic and functional characteristics; it describes the system
- 18. Linguostylistics is necessarily connected with other linguistic sciences. Phonetics, for example, studies the ways of speech
- 19. Today’s stylistics is a constituent of linguistics and as such presents an independent sphere of investigation.
- 20. Linguostylistics is traditionally subdivided into expressive stylistics and functional stylistics. Expressive stylistics According to the theory
- 21. The basic notions of expressive stylistics are expressive means and stylistic devices which convey stylistic information.
- 22. The stylistic device is a productive model, an abstract pattern into which any content may be
- 23. Text stylistics aims at investigating the most effective ways and means of producing texts belonging to
- 24. Functional stylistics Within the framework of the communicative-and-functional approach, scholars distinguish among different versions of the
- 25. According to the existing classifications, one can single out the style of official documents, the scientific
- 26. III. The stylistics of decoding In terms of the stylistics of decoding: communication can be defined
- 27. The primary concern of stylistics of decoding is with language codes and the particular message the
- 28. IV. Literary stylistics. The object of literary stylistics is literature and, to a great extent, how
- 29. V. Discourse stylistics is a comparatively new interdisciplinary branch of stylistics. The noun discourse can designate
- 31. Скачать презентацию
Слайд 2Optional literature
Нелюбин, Л.Л. Лингвостилистика современного английского языка: Учебное пособие. / Л.Л. Нелюбин.
Optional literature
Нелюбин, Л.Л. Лингвостилистика современного английского языка: Учебное пособие. / Л.Л. Нелюбин.

Лапшина, М.Н. Стилистика современного английского языка = English Stylistics: учеб. пособие для ст-ов учереждений высш. проф. Образования / М.Н. Лапшина − СПб: Филологич. ф-т. СПБГУ; М.: Изд. «Академия», 2013. − 272 с.
Кунцевич, С.Е.; Сердюченко, Е.Н. Стилистические функции графических средств в художественной литературе / С.Е. Кунцевич, Е.Н. Сердюченко // Препринты МГЛУ, №66. − Мн.: МГЛУ, 2000. − 16 с.
Соловьёва, Н.К., Кортес, Л.П. Практическое пособие по интерпретации текста (поэзия): Учеб. пособие для ин-ов и фак. иностр. яз. / Н.К. Соловьева, Л.П. Кортес. − Мн.: Выш. шк., 1986. − 123 с.
Слайд 3Lecture 1
Questions for discussion:
1. Introduction. General notions. The concepts of style.
2. Linguostylistics and
Lecture 1
Questions for discussion:
1. Introduction. General notions. The concepts of style.
2. Linguostylistics and

3. The stylistics of decoding.
4. Literary stylistics.
5. Discourse stylistics.
Слайд 4I. Stylistics is the academic discipline which studies certain aspects of language
I. Stylistics is the academic discipline which studies certain aspects of language

Слайд 5The word style was borrowed into European languages from Latin; originally stylos
The word style was borrowed into European languages from Latin; originally stylos

Now the word style is applied to the teaching of how to write a composition; it is also used to reveal the correspondence between thought and expression. It denotes an individual manner of making use of language. It refers to more general, abstract notions thus inevitably becoming vague and obscure. Style is the result of individual choices and patterns of choice among linguistic possibilities. That is, the same thought, idea, belief, opinion, emotion, feeling or attitude can be expressed in more than one way.
Слайд 6The ambiguity of the word gave birth to many definitions of the
The ambiguity of the word gave birth to many definitions of the

Слайд 7The definitions of the term “style” have much in common. All of
The definitions of the term “style” have much in common. All of

Another point is that all the definitions concentrate on the form of the expression. The evaluation is also based on whether the choice of language means conforms with the most general patter of the given type of text (a novel, a poem, a letter, a document, an article, an essay etc.).
Слайд 8It seems logical to distinguish between individual style and idiolect. The term
It seems logical to distinguish between individual style and idiolect. The term

An idiolect is the speech of an individual which is characterized by peculiarities typical of that particular individual, i.e. those qualities of speech which are inherent and which reveal a man’s breeding, education, social standing, etc.
Слайд 9The analysis of an author’s language seems to be the most important
The analysis of an author’s language seems to be the most important

In order to compel the language to serve his purpose, the writer draws on its potential resources in a way different from what we see in ordinary speech.
Слайд 10The idea of the individual style brings up the problem of the
The idea of the individual style brings up the problem of the

Слайд 11The treatment of the selected elements brings up the problem of the
The treatment of the selected elements brings up the problem of the

There is a tendency to estimate the value of individual style by the degree it violates the norms of the language.
Слайд 12It is important for the stylistic analysis to bare in mind the
It is important for the stylistic analysis to bare in mind the

Слайд 13Stylistics is divided into General Stylistics, Descriptive Stylistics, Comparative (or Analytical) Stylistics,
Stylistics is divided into General Stylistics, Descriptive Stylistics, Comparative (or Analytical) Stylistics,

General Stylistics studies the categories that are common to all or most of the natural languages. Descriptive Stylistics is interested in the same categories within one concrete language. Comparative Stylistics investigates these categories in several languages. Functional Stylistics concentrates on the study of the functional styles of the language. Practical Stylistics works out recommendations for correct and adequate use of the language means in accordance with the situation of communication. Statistical Stylistics studies functional and individual styles with the help of mathematical methods which establish objective differences in common and individual use of language means, constructions, and styles.
Слайд 14Stylistics may be described as a means of coding and decoding of
Stylistics may be described as a means of coding and decoding of

Слайд 15The goal of stylistics is to investigate the choice of the language
The goal of stylistics is to investigate the choice of the language

The main aim of stylistic study is to estimate, select and adequately employ the means of native or foreign language in oral and written communication. The main category of stylistics is imagery, which is created by interrelations of different types of meanings characteristic of linguistic signs and extra-linguistic environment.
Слайд 16II. Depending on the school of thought linguists apply the term ‘stylistics’
II. Depending on the school of thought linguists apply the term ‘stylistics’

Linguostylistics. Language is a means of communication, a means of formation and expression of thoughts, feelings and attitudes, a means of stocking, getting and transference of information. In order to affect mind and feelings of the listeners (readers) the speaker (writer) must possess a perfect command of the language, i.e. the culture of the language use. The adequate expression of thoughts, ideas, intentions, and treatments of the outer and inner world depends on the correct choice of language means.
Слайд 17Linguostylistics investigates the system of expressive means, their linguistic and functional characteristics;
Linguostylistics investigates the system of expressive means, their linguistic and functional characteristics;

Слайд 18Linguostylistics is necessarily connected with other linguistic sciences. Phonetics, for example, studies
Linguostylistics is necessarily connected with other linguistic sciences. Phonetics, for example, studies

Stylistics is interested in expressive properties of forms and constructions which are marked by deliberate violations of strict rules but, nevertheless, do not ruin the sense of the utterance. Phonetic stylistics gives priority to expressive impact of speech organization. Lexical stylistics describes the stylistic properties of lexemes, their primary and secondary, direct and derived meanings. Grammatical stylistics studies grammatical categories as a means of emphatic influence. Stylistic semasiology deals with the mechanism of meaning changes in figures of speech.
Слайд 19Today’s stylistics is a constituent of linguistics and as such presents an
Today’s stylistics is a constituent of linguistics and as such presents an

The above mentioned facts indicate a wide range of problematic and interdisciplinary bonds of modern linguostylistics with other sciences researching human speech activities. Linguostylistics deals with social circumstances of speech situations, speech participants with their varied psychoemotional manifestations, intentional and axiological aspects, speech pragmatics by means of analyzing their stylistic representations. Image-bearing means are in the centre of linguostylistics investigations, as far as they greatly influence actualization of pragmacommunicative component of the utterance.
Слайд 20Linguostylistics is traditionally subdivided into expressive stylistics and functional stylistics.
Expressive stylistics
According to
Linguostylistics is traditionally subdivided into expressive stylistics and functional stylistics.
Expressive stylistics
According to

Слайд 21The basic notions of expressive stylistics are expressive means and stylistic devices
The basic notions of expressive stylistics are expressive means and stylistic devices

Expressive means are those phonetic, morphological, syntactical and lexical forms which are used for the purpose of logical and / or emotive intensification of the utterance. Lexical expressive means, for example, are labelled in good dictionaries as “intensifiers”; in most cases they have corresponding synonymous forms which are stylistically neutral. Expressive means intensify the thought contained in the utterance by commonly used language means (e.g. emotionally coloured words, modal verbs and expressions, diminutive suffixes - as in the words auntie, streamlet).
Слайд 22The stylistic device is a productive model, an abstract pattern into which
The stylistic device is a productive model, an abstract pattern into which

Expressive means and stylistic devices perform in context various stylistic functions, which can be defined as a pragmatic usage of certain type of stylistic meaning – expressive, figurative, emotive, evaluative – in a communicative situation/context. Some examples of stylistic functions are as follows: detailing, concreting, evoking feelings, exciting emotions, stirring up imagination, the functions of intensification, accentuation, gradation, laying emphasis, etc.
Слайд 23Text stylistics aims at investigating the most effective ways and means of
Text stylistics aims at investigating the most effective ways and means of

Слайд 24Functional stylistics
Within the framework of the communicative-and-functional approach, scholars distinguish among different
Functional stylistics
Within the framework of the communicative-and-functional approach, scholars distinguish among different

Слайд 25According to the existing classifications, one can single out the style of
According to the existing classifications, one can single out the style of

Слайд 26III. The stylistics of decoding
In terms of the stylistics of decoding:
communication can
III. The stylistics of decoding
In terms of the stylistics of decoding:
communication can

human language is the most powerful and elaborate of all means of communication.
In a natural language, messages are materialized in two kinds of signals: they are sound waves in the atmosphere (phonic substance), and the signs of writing or printing (graphic substance). In terms of the theory in question, language can be regarded as a very complicated code. In codes like languages no matter what is said, more can always be said about the | same topic, and there is always more than one way of saying it. In language as a code there is always a potential, a stock of signs which could be used I to convey the same message, to develop the same idea. This feature may be termed as redundancy; it is the redundancy of the language code that provides the opportunity of choice (Maltzev V.A.).
Слайд 27The primary concern of stylistics of decoding is with language codes and
The primary concern of stylistics of decoding is with language codes and

Слайд 28IV. Literary stylistics. The object of literary stylistics is literature and, to
IV. Literary stylistics. The object of literary stylistics is literature and, to

Слайд 29V. Discourse stylistics is a comparatively new interdisciplinary branch of stylistics. The
V. Discourse stylistics is a comparatively new interdisciplinary branch of stylistics. The

Having a wide range of usages, the term in question tends to replace the term functional style that is purely a linguistic one. In discourse stylistics a special accent is laid on a wider range of extralinguistic factors — ideological, social, cultural, historical, psychological, etc.