Grammar casino


Слайд 2

1 I have been knowing her since childhood, she’s a great friend.


1 I have been knowing her since childhood, she’s a great friend.
I have known her since childhood, she’s a great friend.

Слайд 3

2 My boss was entering my office when I was talking to

2 My boss was entering my office when I was talking to
my grandmother.

2 My boss entered my office when I was talking to my grandmother.

Слайд 4

3 The gas prices are likely to go up because of the

3 The gas prices are likely to go up because of the political conflict.
political conflict.

Слайд 5

4 He asked us how much was the entrance fee.

4 He asked

4 He asked us how much was the entrance fee. 4 He
us how much the entrance fee was.

Слайд 6

5 They can’t afford celebrating their wedding in that restaurant, so the

5 They can’t afford celebrating their wedding in that restaurant, so the
chose another one.

5 They can’t afford to celebrate their wedding in that restaurant, so the chose another one.

Слайд 7

6 By the time I finish the book the author will be

6 By the time I finish the book the author will be
writing a new one.

6 By the time I finish the book the author will have writen a new one.

Слайд 8

7 We’re not quite sure, but it might have been broken while

7 We’re not quite sure, but it might have been broken while we were driving.
we were driving.

Слайд 9

8 This semester I try to do my homework the same day

8 This semester I try to do my homework the same day
I get it.

8 This semester I am trying to do my homework the same day I get it.

Слайд 10

9 If the children didn’t paint on the walls at that birthday

9 If the children didn’t paint on the walls at that birthday
party, we wouldn’t have to redecorate the house!

9 If the children hadn’t painted on the walls at that birthday party, we wouldn’t have to redecorate the house!

Слайд 11

10 I had already finished the conversation when they arrived.

10 I had already finished the conversation when they arrived.

Слайд 12

11 Her plane is arriving at midnight and we supposed to meet

11 Her plane is arriving at midnight and we supposed to meet
her at the airport.

11 Her plane arrives at midnight and we are supposed to meet her at the airport.

Слайд 13

12 This time tomorrow I will be having lunch with my old

12 This time tomorrow I will be having lunch with my old friends.

Слайд 14

13 You mustn’t pay the rent in advance – you can pay

13 You mustn’t pay the rent in advance – you can pay

13 You don’t have to pay the rent in advance – you can pay later.

Слайд 15

14 Don’t go there! The floor has been painted.

14 Don’t go there! The floor has been painted.

Слайд 16

15 We are really looking forward to see you next month at

15 We are really looking forward to see you next month at
the job fair.

15 We are really looking forward to seeing you next month at the job fair.

Слайд 17

16 They aren’t thinking of buying that house because the price is

16 They aren’t thinking of buying that house because the price is too high.
too high.

Слайд 18

17 She claimed finishing the presentation all by herself.

17 She claimed that

17 She claimed finishing the presentation all by herself. 17 She claimed
she had finished the presentation all by herself.

Слайд 19

18 I drove my car to the station and changed the flat

18 I drove my car to the station and changed the flat

18 I drove my car to the station and had the flat tire changed.

Слайд 20

19 If this wasn’t such a terrible idea, we would have got

19 If this wasn’t such a terrible idea, we would have got very rich last month.
very rich last month.

Слайд 21

20 I know her. She mustn’t have stolen the bracelet.

20 I know

20 I know her. She mustn’t have stolen the bracelet. 20 I
her. She can’t have stolen the bracelet.
Имя файла: Grammar-casino.pptx
Количество просмотров: 56
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