Kids Inventions

Слайд 2

by launching - запуская
draw - нарисовать
dreamed up - придумали
reason - причина
came up

by launching - запуская draw - нарисовать dreamed up - придумали reason
with – придумал(а)
mittens - варежки
glasses – очки
start selling – начать продавать
invest - инвестировать
to file a patent - подать заявку на патент
hamster - хомячок
helmet - шлем
explain - объяснить
riding your bike – ехать на велосипеде
start to get hungry - начать чувствовать голод
trash - мусор
catapult - катапульта
science project – научный проект
taking out the trash – выбрасывать мусор

Слайд 3

Watch the video and find out what every child has invented?

Reagan has

Watch the video and find out what every child has invented? Reagan
invented SunMuffs.
Barbara has invented Hamster Hamlet.
Jet has invented Trash Catapult.

Слайд 4

Watch the video one more time and answer the questions:

At what age

Watch the video one more time and answer the questions: At what
did Reagan invent SunMuffs?
How did Barbara think of Hamster Hamlet?
Why did Jet invent Trash Catapult?
Does the Trash Catapult trow trash trough the window?
Who patented the invention?
Who started selling the invention?
Имя файла: Kids-Inventions.pptx
Количество просмотров: 65
Количество скачиваний: 0