Предложения с конструкциями both … and на neither … nor, either … or

Слайд 2

Переведите предложения с конструкциями both … and на neither … nor, either … or.
1. We need neither sugar nor sweets.
2. We bought both fruit and

Переведите предложения с конструкциями both … and на neither … nor, either
3. They play both the guitar and the violin.
4. I will go to either Canada or Australia.
5. She drinks neither water nor coffee after lunch.
6. Yesterday both Jack and Steve ate pancakes.
7. Both Ann and Jill are fond of drawing.

Слайд 3

Вставьте в предложения конструкции both … and, either … or или neither … nor по смыслу.
I didn’t like

Вставьте в предложения конструкции both … and, either … or или neither
the room. It was _____ (clean/ comfortable).
I didn’t like the film. It was ______(long/ boring).
I couldn’t remember her name. It was ______ (Susan/ Sally).
I couldn’t go on holiday that year. I had ____ (time/ money).
We have tickets for Saturday or Sunday’ concert. Which day do you prefer? — I don’t care. I can go ____ (Saturday/ Sunday).
He is an ideal husband. He _____ (smoke/drink)

Слайд 5

Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. Use either... or, neither...

Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. Use either... or, neither...
nor, both... and. 
1. I drink ... coffee ... hot chocolate. 2. I didn't like the new book. It was ... interesting ... useful. 3. I invited two friends, but ... Liz ... Jane could come to the party. 4. Granny promised me a nice dessert. It will be ... a chocolate cake ... an apple pie. 5. Last year I visited ... London ... St Petersburg. 6. Alex will phone me ... at five o'clock ... at six o'clock. 7. No, thank you. I'll have ... tea ... coffee.
8. - Did anybody come to see you last week?
  -  Nobody did.... Julia... John was there.
9. -  Have they arrived yet?
    -   No, they haven’t. But I expect them… today… tomorrow.
10. Borrow some money from your friends.... Ann... Mary will help you.
Имя файла: Предложения-с-конструкциями-both-…-and-на-neither-…-nor,-either-…-or.pptx
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