Слайд 19Disasters kill people.
A lot of people are hurt.

Слайд 20Over(в течение) the centuries there have been many natural disasters that have

stolen(унесли) human lives and left destruction and havoc(опустошение) for the survivors (оставшийся в живых). Sometimes these incidents are ranked based on damage, loss (потерю) of lives or the amount(количество) of money that it cost to rebuild.
Слайд 21The bubonic plague or “Black Death”

Слайд 22The bubonic plague killed almost 33 percent of the population of Europe

when it struck between 1347 and 1350. It also affected millions in Asia and North Africa.
Слайд 23In 1876 to 1879, China recorded the deadliest(самую страшную) drought in history.

Over nine million people died.