Презентация на тему On screen.Film favorites

Слайд 2

Types of films

A thriller
A historical film
A fantasy
A horror film
A western

Types of films A thriller A historical film A fantasy A horror
A love story
A documentary

Исторический фильм
Фильм ужасов
Фильм о любви
Документальный фильм

Слайд 3

What type of film is it?

What type of film is it?

Слайд 4

1.Bonny and Clyde a. Кинг-Конг
2. Little Caesar b.Волшебник страны Оз
3. The

1.Bonny and Clyde a. Кинг-Конг 2. Little Caesar b.Волшебник страны Оз 3.
birth of a nation c. Бонни и Клайд
4. King Kong d.Рождение нации
5. The wizard of Oz e. Маленький Цезарь

Match films with their Russian equivalents

Слайд 5

The film was exciting.
The film was interesting.
The film was boring.

The film was exciting. The film was interesting. The film was boring.

Melany was excited.
Tom was interested.
Melany was bored.

Слайд 6

Read and choose the right form of the adjectives I am

Read and choose the right form of the adjectives I am not
not interesting/ interested in a horror films It is touching/touched documentary film It was boring/bored to watch a comedy He was excited/exciting by a comedy
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