- 2. Outline: Lexical part; Grammatical part; Structural part
- 3. Omit Vowels jst - just wrd - word thrgh - through svrl - several spnd -spend
- 4. Common Shortenings sys - system Xmas - Christmas pic - picture, photo sec - second max
- 5. Abbreviations of countries, organizations Countries: Ger - Germany Afg - Afghanistan Alb - Albania &rra -
- 6. Organizations UN - United Nations NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Org. WHO - World Health Org.
- 7. Map Locations Ave. - Avenue Blvd. - Boulevard Cyn. - Canyon Dr. - Drive Ln. -
- 8. Numbers and Months MONTHS: Jn, Fb, Mar, Ap, May, Jun, Jl, Av, Sp, Oc, Nv, Dc
- 9. Male, Female Pronouns MALE I, U, We, Za, He, Sh, It, Ur FEMALE
- 10. Comparative form Introductory Phrases More L&D - Ladies and Gentlemen GA, GM - Good afternoon/morning Less
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