Shopping. Speaking club for online/offline classes

Слайд 2

Shop till You drop!!!


Do you like shopping? Why? Why not?

Shop till You drop!!! ENGLIGHT.PRO Do you like shopping? Why? Why not?

Слайд 3

Kinds of Shops


What shops do you
usually go to?
How often?
What do you

Kinds of Shops ENGLIGHT.PRO What shops do you usually go to? How
buy there?

Слайд 4


Do you prefer buying things in shops or online? Why?
What are your

ENGLIGHT.PRO Do you prefer buying things in shops or online? Why? What
favourite shops? Why?

Слайд 5

What was the last thing that you bought?
Where did you buy

What was the last thing that you bought? Where did you buy it? ENGLIGHT.PRO


Слайд 6



Слайд 7


Shop assistant: May I help you?
Customer: Yes, I’m looking for a sweater.
Shop assistant:

ENGLIGHT.PRO Shop assistant: May I help you? Customer: Yes, I’m looking for
What size are you?
Customer: I’m an extra large.
Shop assistant: Would you like a sweater or something else?​
Customer: I’m looking for a blue sweater.
Shop assistant: How about this one?
Customer: Yes, that’s nice. Could I try it on?

Shop assistant: Certainly, the changing rooms are over there.
Customer: Thank you. (goes into a changing room to try on the sweater)
Shop assistant: How does it fit?
Customer: It’s too large. Do you have a large?
Shop assistant: Yes, here you are. Would you like to try it on to see if it fits?
Customer: No that’s Okay. Thank you. I’ll take it.

Shop assistant: ​OK, how would you like to pay?
Customer: Do you take credit cards?
Shop assistant: Yes, we do. Visa, Master Card, and American Express.
Customer: OK, here’s my Visa.
Shop assistant: Thank you. Have a nice day!
Customer: Thank you, goodbye.

Слайд 8

A — Могу ли я вам помочь?
Б — Да. У вас есть

A — Могу ли я вам помочь? Б — Да. У вас
это платье в голубом цвете?
А — Да, вот.
Б — Могу ли я примерить его?
A — Конечно. Примерочные там.
Б — Спасибо.
(Клиент идет в примерочную.)
A — Как оно, подходит?
Б — Слишком мало. У вас есть побольше?
A — Хм. Дайте-ка подумать. Да, здесь большое.
(Клиент снова идет в примерочную.)
A — Как это?
Б — Прекрасно. Я возьму его.
ХОРОШО. Всего $ 25,00
Б — Вы принимаете кредитные карты?
A — Да, конечно. Вот ваше платье и ваша кредитная карта. Большое спасибо.
Б — Спасибо. До свидания.

Слайд 9

A — May I help you?
B — Yes.  Do you have this

A — May I help you? B — Yes. Do you have
dress in blue?
A — Yes.  Here you go.
B — Can I try it on?
A — Of course.  The fitting rooms are over there.
B — Thank you.
(The customer goes in the fitting room.)
A — How does it fit?
B — It’s too small.  Do you have a large?
A — Hmmm.  Let me see.  Yes, here’s a large.
(The customer goes in the fitting room again.)
A — How is it?
B — It’s perfect.  I’ll take it.
A — OK.  The total is $25.00
B — Do you take credit cards?
A — Yes, of course.  Here’s your dress and your credit card.  Thank you very much.
B — Thank you. Bye.

Слайд 10



Слайд 11



Слайд 12


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