- 2. Simile is of the same nature as metaphor, it shows likeness in dissimilar objects. The difference
- 3. Ordinary comparison and simile must not be confused. They represent two diverse processes. Comparison means weighing
- 4. Examples: The boy seems to be as clever as his mother. (Ordinary comparison). Maidens, like moths,
- 5. The two components of simile are joined by conjunctions “like, as if, as though, as… as”;
- 6. The Structure of an Image
- 7. Both Simile and Metaphor present structure and may be analyzed into their component parts: The tenor
- 8. Example: Darkness when once it fell, fell it like a stone. (G (the ground) - heaviness,
- 9. The Semantics of an Image
- 10. Galperin: The image as a purely linguistic notion, is something that must be decided by the
- 11. Арнольд: Образ является основным средством художественного обобщения действительности. В широком смысле термин «образ» означает отражение внешнего
- 12. 1. Both Simile and Metaphor show likeness in dissimilar objects, there must be something striking, unexpected
- 13. 2. The genuine image has multiple meaning. The essential feature of a metaphor is a certain
- 14. The Functions of an Image To extend language in order to express the inexpressible. To clear
- 15. Extended or Sustained Images Images may be single, expressed in one word or phrase, and extended,
- 16. The sustained image is elaborated in a series of images which are logically connected. There is
- 17. Tropes of Contiguity Metonymy (метонимия) is a trope in which the name of some object or
- 18. In Metonymy the relations between the object named and the object implied may be different: 1.
- 19. 4. The relation between the man and the thing he possesses: e.g. “Blue suit grinned, might
- 20. Synecdoche (синекдоха) Synecdoche (синекдоха) – from Greek synekdochẽ (соподразумевание). Перенос значения с одного явления на другое
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