Слайд 2Are you afraid of flying?
Tell about last time you flew.

Слайд 3Do you feel depressed when it rains?
Does it often rain where you

Слайд 4Do you think money can buy happiness? Why?

Слайд 5Have you felt angry recently? Why?

Слайд 6Do you get a lot of enjoyment from doing sport?

Слайд 7Can you usually remember your dreams?
What was the most unusual?

Слайд 8Are you scared of the dark?
Did you use to be scared when

you were a child?
Слайд 9Which of your achievements are you most proud of?

Слайд 11Are you excited about anything coming up in the near future?

Слайд 12When do you feel most energized?
What do you like to do with

that energy?
Слайд 13Can you easily tell how other people are feeling? How useful is

this ability?
Слайд 14Can you control your emotions well? How?

Слайд 15If you're feeling down, how can you make yourself feel better?

Слайд 16What kinds of things
make you happy?

Слайд 17
Is it a good idea to show your emotions?

Слайд 18
Do you think it's
easy for a person
to change their

Слайд 20How does music affect your emotions?

Слайд 21Do you think stress is always bad for you? Why?/Why not?

Слайд 22Have you ever felt jealousy? Why?

Слайд 23Do you often feel irritated? Why?

Слайд 24How do people act when they are embarrassed?

Слайд 25When was the last time you felt confused? What about?

Слайд 26In which three situations do you feel nervous?

Слайд 27What food makes you feel delighted?
How can you cook it?

Слайд 28What’s your best childhood memory?
How did you feel?