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Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs
You cannot ___ it ___. It weighs too much. Select Answer Do you like your Hat? If not, I will ____ it ____ your hands. I will take it but I will not ___ it ___ to you. Can you _______ to me which road will take me to Bangkok? I like this hat so much. I cannot ___ it ____ my head. Please ______ the trash in the front yard for me. There was nothing on television last night. I had to ____ it ____ early. I will _________ the lease when I return from Paris. Please _______ this terrible ringing in my ears. ____ it ____ a bit. I cannot hear the music because of all of this noise. I was totally _______ guard a bit when my wife died. Please ________ the telephone for me. I can always ____ it ____ a bit if you cannot hear the music. Please ________ the television you wish to buy. It is getting late. I will ____ it ____ to my boss tomorrow. I completed my assignment. When do I have to ____ it ____? I think I can ___ it ____ myself this time. The last time, they were too small. I will ________ my report to the police once I have all of the facts. Why not _____ all future visits to your doctor until you have the money to pay? When I get to Phoenix, I will ______ a few of my old friends. CLICK ON NEXT CLICK HERE FOR THE NEXT SLIDE Why not ______ ten percent of your money into a bank? Maybe I will ______ the suit before I buy it. With all of this rain, my water tank will ______ in no time. Once you __ it ___, you will never take it off? The water pressure is to high. I need to ___ it ___. Where can I ______ on gas? After hiking for six hours, it was a pleasure to _________ my boots. Select Answer Tomorrow we ________ the Christmas ornaments from the tree. Lets ______ the money we borrowed from your mother. Please _______ to me why Toshiba isn’t celebrating X-mas this year? I am going to _______ this heavy coat once I get home. Can you ______ a motorcycle with one hand? Please ________ the fan on your way out. Could you _________ this presentation for me? _______ the water please. I am finished washing the car. Let’s ________ the beat a bit. This music is not my style. We will ________ our trip to England until another time. Hold on a second. I need to ________ my computer before we leave. I am sure everyone will ________ at Toshiba’s party. Help me ________ a present for my mother. What will she ________ at the meeting? She always has something to say. When do we have to ________ our homework? ________ the shoes that you like and I will buy them for you. I thought we had to ________ our assignments by Monday? I will ________ the pizza delivery. You can use my excel program to ______ all of the past sales data. CLICK ON NEXT CLICK HERE FOR THE NEXT SLIDE I will ______ all of the groceries. You can ______ the shoes if you like. Let’s stop here. I want to ______ my tank with gas. If you ______ the shirt, you will know if it fits you before buying it. If you like, I will ______ the heat a bit. Why bother to ______ on groceries at these prices?
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