
Слайд 2

Иконка - элемент графического интерфейса, небольшая картинка, обозначающая приложение, файл, каталог, окно,

Иконка - элемент графического интерфейса, небольшая картинка, обозначающая приложение, файл, каталог, окно,
компонент операционной системы, устройство т.д.

Слайд 3

История графического интерфейса

Графический интерфейс у компьютеров появился только спустя 30 лет использования.

История графического интерфейса Графический интерфейс у компьютеров появился только спустя 30 лет
—компьютер «Лиза» был первым персональным компьютером с графическим интерфейсом.
1989 — Появились детализированные иконки с тенями.
2007 — Это самый расцвет стиля Рококо в иконках.

Слайд 4

Как правило, иконки представляют собой растровые или векторные картинки квадратного формата стандартных

Как правило, иконки представляют собой растровые или векторные картинки квадратного формата стандартных
В операционных системах Microsoft Windows наиболее употребимы размеры иконок со стороной 16, 32, 48 и 256 пикселов.

Типы иконок

Слайд 5

3 правила оформления иконок приложений




3 правила оформления иконок приложений Узнаваемость Согласованность Масштабируемость

Слайд 6

Зачем нужны иконки?





Иконки должны помогать восприятию.

Используйте иконки там, где это уместно.


Зачем нужны иконки? 1 2 3 4 Иконки должны помогать восприятию. Используйте
должны передавать чёткие образы.

Если образ чёткий, а иконка не подходит, попробуйте перефразировать текст.

Слайд 7

Практическая часть


Практическая часть Enter

Слайд 8

The importance of keyboard and mouse efficiency


You can enter a subtitle here

The importance of keyboard and mouse efficiency 01 You can enter a
if you need it

Слайд 9

Main ideas and details

It’s the closest planet to the Sun and the

Main ideas and details It’s the closest planet to the Sun and
smallest one in the Solar System

Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet from the Sun

Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold place. It’s full of iron oxide dust

Слайд 10


Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest planet

Concepts Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest
in the Solar System

Venus has a beautiful name and the second planet from the Sun, it’s terribly hot

Concept 1

Concept 2

Слайд 11

— Someone Famous

“This is a quote. Words full of wisdom that someone

— Someone Famous “This is a quote. Words full of wisdom that
important said and can make the reader get inspired.”

Слайд 12

Four subject

Despite being red, Mars is a cold place


Venus is the second

Four subject Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Venus Venus
planet from the Sun


It’s the biggest planet in the Solar System



Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings

Слайд 13


Big numbers catch your audience’s attention

150,000 Big numbers catch your audience’s attention

Слайд 14

386,000 km

9h 55m 23s

This is Jupiter’s rotation period

Distance between Earth and the

386,000 km 9h 55m 23s This is Jupiter’s rotation period Distance between


The Sun’s mass compared to Earth’s

Слайд 15

It is a gas giant, and also the biggest planet in the

It is a gas giant, and also the biggest planet in the
Solar System



Despite being red, Mars is a cold place. It’s full of iron oxide dust


Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one


It has a beautiful name and is the second planet from the Sun


Слайд 16


Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun



Saturn is a gas giant

25% Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Mercury 30% Saturn
and has several rings



Venus is the second planet from the Sun


How it can improve your work

Слайд 17

Brainstorm and idea generation

Brainstorm and idea generation

Слайд 18

Question and answer

Is Saturn a gas giant and has several rings? Is

Question and answer Is Saturn a gas giant and has several rings?
it composed mostly of hydrogen and helium?


Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun. It's the fourth-largest object in the Solar System


Слайд 19

A picture is worth a thousand words

A picture is worth a thousand words

Слайд 20

Work in a smart way

Images reveal large amounts of data, so remember:

Work in a smart way Images reveal large amounts of data, so
use an image instead of a long text. Your audience will appreciate it

Слайд 21

Steps to help your computer skill


Despite being red, Mars is actually cold



Steps to help your computer skill Mars Despite being red, Mars is
is the closest planet to the Sun


Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings


Venus is the second planet from the Sun

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Слайд 22


Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun


It’s the biggest planet in

Recommendations Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Mercury It’s the
the Solar System


Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s so hot


Saturn is composed of hydrogen and helium


Despite being red, Mars is a cold place


Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun


Слайд 23


You can give a brief description of the topic you want to

Exercise You can give a brief description of the topic you want to talk about here
talk about here

Слайд 24

Cause and effect

Despite being red, Mars is a cold place

Mercury is the

Cause and effect Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Mercury
closest planet to the Sun


Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all


Venus is the second planet from the Sun


It’s composed of hydrogen and helium



Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun


Слайд 25

Parts and whole

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the

Parts and whole Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and
smallest one in the Solar System

The whole object


Part of object

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only one that harbors life in the Solar System

The function

Слайд 26

Some data to support the fact


Mercury is the smallest planet


Venus is the

Some data to support the fact Mercury Mercury is the smallest planet
second planet from the Sun

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here

Слайд 27

More data to support the fact


Despite being red, Mars is a very

More data to support the fact Mars Despite being red, Mars is
cold place


Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun


Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings




Слайд 28



Слайд 29


Venus is the second planet from the Sun


It’s the biggest planet in

Sequence Venus is the second planet from the Sun Venus It’s the
the Solar System


Despite being red, Mars is a cold place


Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings






Слайд 30

Meet our team

You can speak a bit about this person here

Timmy Jimmy


Meet our team You can speak a bit about this person here
can speak a bit about this person here

Jenna Doe

Слайд 31

Training center locations

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the

Training center locations Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and
smallest planet in the Solar System


Слайд 32

Desktop screenshot

You can replace the image on the screen with your own

Desktop screenshot You can replace the image on the screen with your
work. Right-click on it and then choose "Replace image" so you can add yours

Слайд 33


Does anyone have any questions?
[email protected]
+91 620 421 838

Please keep this

Thanks! Does anyone have any questions? youremail@freepik.com +91 620 421 838 yourcompany.com
slide for attribution

Слайд 34

Alternative resources

Alternative resources

Слайд 35


Did you like the resources on this template? Get them for free

Resources Did you like the resources on this template? Get them for
at our other websites:
Desk office
Flat lay of notebook with headphones on desktop
Empowered business woman at the office
Medium shot man sitting at desk
Technology elements floating in the air
School timetable and technology
Computer hardware device icon vectors

Слайд 36

For more information about editing slides, please read our FAQs or visit

For more information about editing slides, please read our FAQs or visit
Slidesgo School:
https://slidesgo.com/faqs and https://slidesgo.com/slidesgo-school

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Слайд 37

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Слайд 38

This presentation has been made using the following fonts:

Fredoka One










Fonts & colors

This presentation has been made using the following fonts: Fredoka One (https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Fredoka+One)

Слайд 39

Create your Story with our illustrated concepts. Choose the style you like

Create your Story with our illustrated concepts. Choose the style you like
the most, edit its colors, pick the background and layers you want to show and bring them to life with the animator panel! It will boost your presentation. Check out how it works.







Слайд 40

You can easily resize these resources without losing quality. To change the

You can easily resize these resources without losing quality. To change the
color, just ungroup the resource and click on the object you want to change. Then, click on the paint bucket and select the color you want. Group the resource again when you’re done. You can also look for more infographics on Slidesgo.

Use our editable graphic resources...

Слайд 46

You can resize these icons without losing quality.
You can change the stroke

You can resize these icons without losing quality. You can change the
and fill color; just select the icon and click on the paint bucket/pen.
In Google Slides, you can also use Flaticon’s extension, allowing you to customize and add even more icons.

...and our sets of editable icons

Слайд 47

Educational Icons

Medical Icons

Educational Icons Medical Icons

Слайд 48

Business Icons

Teamwork Icons

Business Icons Teamwork Icons

Слайд 49

Help & Support Icons

Avatar Icons

Help & Support Icons Avatar Icons

Слайд 50

Creative Process Icons

Performing Arts Icons

Creative Process Icons Performing Arts Icons

Слайд 51

Nature Icons

Nature Icons

Слайд 52

SEO & Marketing Icons

SEO & Marketing Icons
Имя файла: ikonki-(1).pptx
Количество просмотров: 76
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