Слайд 2

On our planet, there are many problems for which a person is

On our planet, there are many problems for which a person is
responsible. Environmental pollution is one of these problems. I believe that this problem plays a very important role on our planet. If this problem is not treated with due attention, it can lead to a major cataclysm and global environmental catastrophes. Therefore, in my presentation, I decided to pay attention to the problem of environmental pollution of our planet. Tell, show and describe what environmental pollution can lead to

Слайд 3

ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF THE MODERN WORLD Environmental problems, which are expressed in

ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF THE MODERN WORLD Environmental problems, which are expressed in
the violation of the balance of conditions and influences in the human ecological environment, arose as a result of man's exploitative attitude to nature, the rapid growth of technologists, the scale of Industrialization and population growth. The production of natural resources is so great that the question arose about their use in the future. Environmental pollution is reflected in increasing smog, dead lakes, water that must not be drunk, deadly radiation and the extinction of species. Human impact on terrestrial ecosystems, which in their totality, interconnections and interdependencies form the ecosystem of the Earth as a planet, causes changes in the complex system of the human environment. And the negative consequence of this impact is expressed as a threat to environmental conditions for the integral existence of people, a threat to health through air, water and food, which are contaminated with substances produced by humans.

Слайд 4

Violation of the natural environment depends both on the number and concentration

Violation of the natural environment depends both on the number and concentration
of the population, and on the volume of production and consumption. In modern society, all these factors acted in such a way that the human environment was highly polluted. Over the last century, humans have allowed too much increased production and proliferation of waste, by-products and chemicals. Pollution greatly harms life on our planet, humanity itself. We pollute the air and water, we live in such noise and dust, which no living creature will tolerate.

Слайд 5

An example of regional environmental problems can be Kuzbass, an ALMOST closed

An example of regional environmental problems can be Kuzbass, an ALMOST closed
mountain basin filled with gases from COKE furnaces Smoke from a metallurgical giant, which no one thought about capturing during construction. Or high radioactivity of soils in areas adjacent to Chernobyl

Слайд 6

Global ecological problems of the planet arise as a result of significant

Global ecological problems of the planet arise as a result of significant
changes in the natural environment. Such changes include deforestation, reduction of fertile land, reduction of fresh water reserves, destruction of flora and fauna, desertification, reduction of useful ISKopoly, solid household waste.

Слайд 7

Indeed, in some regions there is already an acute shortage of this

Indeed, in some regions there is already an acute shortage of this
resource. And over time, this state of affairs will only get worse. Consequently, the above topic can be considered one of the most important in the list of "Environmental problems of the planet". Examples of inappropriate WATER USE can be found everywhere. Starting from the pollution of lakes and rivers by all kinds of industrial enterprises and ending with the irrational consumption of resources at the household level. In this regard, even now, many natural water bodies are closed for swimming Zones. However, the ecological problems of the planet do not end there. The list MAY BE CONTINUED also with the next item.

Слайд 8

The global environmental problems presented earlier are causing the development of a

The global environmental problems presented earlier are causing the development of a
severe disaster. We are talking about land desertification. As a result of improper management of agriculture, as well as pollution of water resources and deforestation, there is a gradual weathering of the fertile layer, soil drainage and other negative consequences, under the influence of which the earth covers become unsuitable not only for further use for household purposes, but also for living of people.

Слайд 9

A similar topic is also present in the list "Environmental problems of

A similar topic is also present in the list "Environmental problems of
the planet" It is quite simple to list the resources currently used. These are oil, coal of all kinds, peat, gas and other organic components of the hard shell of the Earth. According to the forecasts of scientists, in the next hundred years the reserves of useful fossils WILL COME TO THE END. In this regard, humanity has begun to actively introduce technologies that operate on renewable resources, such as wind, solar, tide and Ebb energy and others. Nevertheless, the use of alternative SOURCES is still quite small compared to more habitual and traditional ones. In connection with this state of affairs, modern governments of countries are conducting various incentive programs that contribute to a deeper introduction of alternative energy sources both in industry and in the everyday life of ordinary citizens.
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