Слайд 2

Fecha: November 2003
Published by: Ministry of Law and Justice
Published year: August 2003

Fecha: November 2003 Published by: Ministry of Law and Justice Published year:
year: 2003
Adopted by: The President
Type of policy: Legislation relevant to nutrition.

Слайд 3

During the year 2003, fishing for sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and "rossetto"(Aphia minuta)

During the year 2003, fishing for sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and "rossetto"(Aphia minuta)
in all waters adjacent to maritime districts may take place only on working days and for a period of sixty days starting 3 February 2003.


Слайд 4

As an exception, that fishing period shall start from 13 January 2003

As an exception, that fishing period shall start from 13 January 2003
and 10 February 2003 in respect of the maritime districts of Manfredonia and Ionio (Taranto and Crotone) respectively.


Слайд 5


1.Have a written breastfeedin policy that is routinely communicated to all

GOALS 1.Have a written breastfeedin policy that is routinely communicated to all
health care staff.
2.train all health care staff in skills nacessary to implement this polocy.

Слайд 6

3.inform all pregnant women about the benefits and management of breastfeeding.
4.give newborn

3.inform all pregnant women about the benefits and management of breastfeeding. 4.give
infants no food or drink other than breast milk unless medically ndicated.


Слайд 7


The protection and promotion of breastfeeding.
ensuring the proper use of breast

STRUCTURE The protection and promotion of breastfeeding. ensuring the proper use of
milk substitutes when these are necessary on basis of adequate information and through appropriate marketing and distribution.

Слайд 8


1.Protfolio theory
2 Options theory
3 Equity vs. Debt
4 Type of Debt

FINANCE 1.Protfolio theory 2 Options theory 3 Equity vs. Debt 4 Type of Debt 5 Sequencing.

Слайд 9


1. Protfolio theory
Firm value decreases due to cost of financial distress

FINANCE 1. Protfolio theory Firm value decreases due to cost of financial
which increases with combined variance.
Corporate finance is preferred when it results in lower combined variance due to diversification.

Слайд 10


2 Options theory
Put premium is paid in the orm

FINANCE 2 Options theory Put premium is paid in the orm of
of higher interest and fess on loans.
The underlyng asset and the option provides a payoff similar to that of call option.
Its the prject is paert of a larger devlopment and represents a proprietary asset.

Слайд 11


Some of the themes are as unger as Disaster Management,RTE, Gender

ACHIVMENT Some of the themes are as unger as Disaster Management,RTE, Gender
Sensitisation, School life Skll Programme, communication.
Organised intere DIET Sports Meet.
Celetration of Annual and foundation day.
Имя файла: Law-project.pptx
Количество просмотров: 42
Количество скачиваний: 0