Слайд 2We need Macro Analysis…
Micro Analysis studies separate agents and separate markets.
Macro Analysis

studies system of the markets as a whole and allows to reveal some problems not covered by Micro Analysis.
Such problems have “macroeconomic” nature.
The starting point is to measure and to determine some macro indicator.
Слайд 3What is National Income Accounting?
National income accounting – a set of rules

and definitions for measuring economic activity in the aggregate economy – that is, in the economy as a whole.
Слайд 4What is GDP?
Gross Domestic Product (aka GDP) is the total market value

of all final goods and services produced in an economy in a one-year period.
It is the single most-used economic measure used to make comparisons among countries and to measure economic welfare over time.
GDP should not be confused with Gross National Product (aka GNP) that is the aggregate final output of citizens and businesses of an economy in one year.
In order to receive GNP from GDP, we must add the foreign income of our citizens and subtract the income of residents who are not citizens.
GDP is a measure of final output per year – it is a flow concept, not a stock (an amount at a particular moment in time).
Слайд 5GDP as the Indicator of the Production of Final Goods
GDP counts final

output but not intermediate goods.
Final output – goods and services purchased for final use.
Intermediate products are used as inputs in the production of some other product.
Counting the sale of final goods and intermediate products would result in double and triple counting.
Слайд 6What is the Value Added Approach?
To eliminate intermediate goods is to follow

the value added approach.
Value added is the increase in value that a firm contributes to a product or service.
It is calculated by subtracting intermediate goods from the value of its sales.
Слайд 7The Example of the Use of the Value Added Approach (production and

sales of ice cream)
Слайд 8The Methods of Calculating GDP
There are three essential methods of calculating GDP:

the value added (or product) approach, the expenditure approach and the income approach.
The basic principle is that the equality of output and income is an accounting identity in the national income accounts.
The identity can be seen in the circular flow of income in an economy.
Слайд 9Perhaps, many students remember about the Circular Flow Model…

Слайд 10The Expenditure Approach
GDP is equal to the sum of the four categories

of expenditures.
GDP = C + I + G + (EX - IM)
Слайд 11The equality of leakages and injections as a condition of macroeconomic equilibrium

the closed economy without the government:
S = I
In the closed economy with the government:
S + T = I + G
In the open economy with the government:
S + T + IM = I + G + EX
Слайд 12The Factor Income Approach: the Basic Foundations
Firms make payments to households for

supplying their services as factors of production.
National income is the total income earned by citizens and businesses of a country.
It consists of employee compensation, rent, interest, and profits.
When we add indirect taxes (less subsidies) and depreciation to nations income, we have GDP.
Слайд 13Equality of Income and Expenditure
Income and expenditures must be equal because of

the rules of double-entry bookkeeping.
The national income accounting identity allows GDP to be calculated either by adding up all values of final output or by adding up the values of all earnings or income.
Слайд 14Exercise #1
In 2019, Cocofarm Ltd. produced 4000 coconuts. Cocofarm Ltd. hired labor

for 800 (EURO),
leased machines for 200, and paid land rent of 200. It sold 5000 coconuts, for
which it took 1000 out of its inventories from the previous year – 2018 - (the per unit production
costs were 0.30 in the previous year). Cocofarm Ltd. sold its entire production for
0.50 per coconut to Brounty Inc., which produced 5000 coconut cream bars. For that
purpose, Brounty Inc. hired labor of 500, leased machines for 1500, imported milk
from Switzerland for 500. Brounty Inc. could, however, sell only 4000 of its coconut
cream bars for 1.10 to the Pirate Beach Bar. The Pirate Beach Bar sold all of the
4000 coconut cream bars for 2.00 each at Mahijo Beach, paying 1200 for waiters,
800 to the community owning the beach, and 200 in order to lease machines.
Determine GDP via the Product, Expenditure and Income Approach!
Слайд 15Revenue, costs, and profit of Cocofarm Ltd.
Cocofarm Ltd.:
Revenue 5000 · 0 .50

− 0 .3 · 1000 = 2200
Labor = 800
Capital = 200
Land = 200
Interm. materials = 0
Profit = 1000
Think of inventory investment like buying/selling from inventory at
production costs.
Слайд 16Revenue, costs, and profit of Brounty Inc.
Brounty Inc.:
Revenue 4000 · 1 .10

+ 1000 · 1 .00 = 5400
Labor = 500
Capital = 1500
Land = 0
Interm. Materials = 2500 + 500 = 3000
Profit = 5400 – 5000 = 400
Слайд 17Revenue, costs, and profit of Pirate Beach Bar
Pirate Beach Bar:
Revenue 4000 ·

2 .00 = 8000
Labor = 1200
Capital = 200
Land = 800
Interm. materials = 4400
Profit = 1400
Слайд 18Income Approach
Cocofarm Ltd. Brounty Bars Inc. Pirate Beach Bar Total
Labor 800

500 1200 2500
Land 200 0 800 1000
Capital 200 1500 200 1900
Profits 1000 400 1400 2800
GDP 8200
Слайд 19Product Approach
Cocofarm Ltd. Brounty Bars Inc. Pirate Beach Bar Total
Value of

2200 5400 8000 15600
Intermediate 0 3000 4400 7400
Value added 2200 2400 3600 8200
Слайд 20Expenditure Approach
Cocofarm Ltd. Brounty Bars Inc. Pirate Beach Bar Total

0 0 8000 8000
I -300 1000 0 700
NX 0 -500 0 -500
GDP 8200
Слайд 21Exercise #2
Milky Ltd produced 1000 liters of milk, all produced is sold

for 100 rubles. per liter to the company Production Ltd. At Milky Ltd, wage payments are equal to 20,000 rubles, equipment rental - 30,000 rubles, rent - 15,000 rubles.
Production Ltd buys all of these products at the indicated price and manufactures on this basis 1000 liters of kefir, imports 40,000 rubles of ferments from Estonia, pays wage in the amount of 20,000 rubles, equipment rental of 25,000 rubles, and land rent of 15,000 rubles. This firm sells 700 liters of kefir to trading company Trade Inc. at a price of 400 rubles for 1 liter.
Trade Inc. sells all these products to consumers at a price of 600 rubles for 1 liter. It pays wage in the amount of 40,000 rubles, rents equipment in the amount of 35,000 rubles, pays rent in the amount of 25,000 rubles.
Calculate GDP by three methods!
Слайд 22Homework #1
In 2019, Johnson Ltd. produced 1,400 kg of fish, and price

of 1 kg was equal to 100 rubles.
This company hired labor for 15,000 rubles, leased machines for 8,000 rubles, and
paid land rent of 7,000 rubles.
Johnson Ltd. sold all output to Paulson Ltd.
The latter company produced 1,400 kg of fish cake using this fish and
imported potatoes from Brazil for 9,000 rubles.
Paulson Ltd. paid 4,000 rubles for employees’ activity and 15,000 rubles for leased machines.
This producer of fish cake sold 1,000 kg for 300 rubles per 1 kg to Martin Inc. that is the large retailer.
This outlet chain sold this product at a price of 900 rubles.
The wage bill of Martin Inc. is 160,000 rubles, cost of leased machines = 20,000 rubles,
cost of used land = 220,000 rubles.
Determine GDP via the Product, Expenditure and Income Approach!