- 2. Reproductive health of young people is a serious medical and social problem a large percentage of
- 3. The average age of sexual debut is 16 years
- 4. University students constitute a group at high risk of abortion and sexually transmitted infections change in
- 5. Specialty of sexual and reproductive behavior of young Not married Have multiple sexual partners or frequently
- 6. Medical and social aspects of teen pregnancy The rate of pregnancy among sexually active girls aged
- 7. According to WHO 210 million pregnancies a year more than 40% - unplanned, including occur in
- 8. Complications after abortion early late remote Cervical injury perforation of the uterus bleeding inflammatory processes genitals
- 9. Any contraception is better than abortion
- 10. Teens and young adults need contraception? (N = 1167) Use contraception - less than half (48.9%)
- 11. Methods of contraception recommended in adolescents and young people spermicides condoms According to the testimony -
- 12. effectiveness safety acceptability Criteria for the use of modern hormonal contraceptives
- 13. High risk factors in the application of hormonal contraception Cardiovascular disease, including a history and family
- 14. after abortion after an inflammatory diseases of the genital organs Contraceptives can help ...
- 15. Emergency contraception Escapel pill After unprotected or inadequately protected intercourse In order to prevent unwanted pregnancies
- 16. STI - it S-sexual T– transmitted I- infection
- 17. What is included in a group of STIs? Syphilis Gonorrhea chlamydia genital herpes Anogenital warts (caused
- 18. STI – a threat to reproductive health Cause inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, violate disabled
- 19. STI – a threat to reproductive health Increase the risk of HIV infection and viral hepatitis
- 20. STI – a threat to reproductive health Able to induce inflammatory diseases of vital organs and
- 21. STI – a threat to reproductive health Increase the risk of cancer and other genital organs
- 22. STI – a threat to reproductive health Dangerous to the fetus (intrauterine infection and death in
- 23. How to prevent STIs? Protected sex Compliance with the rules obschegigienicheskih Use of personal hygiene and
- 24. Individual STI and urinary infections condom Miramistin spermicides betadine
- 25. Where can I go for help? Skin and venereal clinic Student clinic Clinic in the community
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