Reproductive health


Слайд 2

Reproductive health of young people is a serious medical and social problem


Reproductive health of young people is a serious medical and social problem
large percentage of deviations in physical, sexual and psychosexual development
increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases
growth of gynecological and venereal diseases
high incidence of pregnancy and childbirth at a young age
low levels of reproductive education
risky sexual and reproductive behavior

Слайд 3

The average age of sexual debut is 16 years

The average age of sexual debut is 16 years

Слайд 4

University students constitute a group at high risk of abortion and sexually

University students constitute a group at high risk of abortion and sexually
transmitted infections

change in familiar surroundings
high concentration of persons of the opposite sex
sexual debut match with the beginning of training in high school
lack of control sexual behavior
a long period of training
minimum of knowledge about contraception
minimum knowledge about the risk of infection with sexually transmitted and HIV
low income

Слайд 5

Specialty of sexual and reproductive behavior of young

Not married Have multiple sexual

Specialty of sexual and reproductive behavior of young Not married Have multiple
partners or frequently change their Committed to the myth As a rule, financially and socially dependent Irregular and incorrect use contraception Characterized by a high prevalence of bad habits

Слайд 6

Medical and social aspects of teen pregnancy

The rate of pregnancy among sexually

Medical and social aspects of teen pregnancy The rate of pregnancy among
active girls aged 15-19 is 9.1%
in 81.4% of its outcome is abortion
10.2% of all abortions performed in adolescents

One in ten pregnant younger than 20 years already has a history of abortion or childbirth
12.1% of maternal deaths occur in adolescence

Слайд 7

According to WHO

210 million pregnancies a year
more than 40% - unplanned, including

According to WHO 210 million pregnancies a year more than 40% -
occur in the use of contraception
Every year the world produces about 45 million abortions
while 500,000 women die from complications related to unplanned pregnancy

World Health Organization, Department of reproductive Health and Research. Annual Technical Report 2000. WHO/RHR/01.11. Geneva: WHO, 2001

Слайд 8

Complications after abortion




Cervical injury  perforation of the
uterus   bleeding

inflammatory     processes genitals    failure

Complications after abortion early late remote Cervical injury perforation of the uterus
cervix    Hematometra    placental polyp
endometriosis   disorders of menstruation   infertility   ectopic pregnancy   miscarriage   Increased risk of cancer breast   endocrine disorders   hysteromyoma

Слайд 9

Any contraception is better than abortion

Any contraception is better than abortion

Слайд 10

Teens and young adults need contraception? (N = 1167)

Use contraception - less

Teens and young adults need contraception? (N = 1167) Use contraception -
than half (48.9%) of them every second - wrong!
94.5% believe that pregnancy should be planned and desired
77.9% said to be optimal for the birth of the first child age 20-25 years

Слайд 11

Methods of contraception recommended in adolescents and young people



According to the testimony

Methods of contraception recommended in adolescents and young people spermicides condoms According
- Emergency Contraception

Oral contraceptives (pills)

The vaginal ring

transdermal patch

Слайд 12


Criteria for the use of modern hormonal contraceptives

effectiveness safety acceptability Criteria for the use of modern hormonal contraceptives

Слайд 13

High risk factors in the application of hormonal contraception
Cardiovascular disease, including a

High risk factors in the application of hormonal contraception Cardiovascular disease, including
history and family
liver disease
diabetes mellitus
Heavy smoking (more than 10 cigarettes per day)

Слайд 14

after abortion
after an inflammatory diseases of the genital organs

Contraceptives can help ...

after abortion after an inflammatory diseases of the genital organs Contraceptives can help ...

Слайд 15

Emergency contraception
Escapel pill

After unprotected or inadequately protected intercourse

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancies


Emergency contraception Escapel pill After unprotected or inadequately protected intercourse In order
relevance of the method will be high as long as there is a need for humanity in sex.

Слайд 16

STI - it

T– transmitted
I- infection

STI - it S-sexual T– transmitted I- infection

Слайд 17

What is included in a group of STIs?

genital herpes
Anogenital warts (caused by

What is included in a group of STIs? Syphilis Gonorrhea chlamydia genital
human papillomavirus)
pubic lice

Слайд 18

STI – a threat to reproductive health

Cause inflammatory diseases of the genital

STI – a threat to reproductive health Cause inflammatory diseases of the
organs, violate disabled or even lead to disability

Can lead to infertility and impotence

Слайд 19

STI – a threat to reproductive health
Increase the risk of HIV infection

STI – a threat to reproductive health Increase the risk of HIV
and viral hepatitis B and C

Слайд 20

STI – a threat to reproductive health
Able to induce inflammatory diseases of

STI – a threat to reproductive health Able to induce inflammatory diseases
vital organs and systems (nervous, cardiovascular, etc.).

Слайд 21

STI – a threat to reproductive health

Increase the risk of cancer and

STI – a threat to reproductive health Increase the risk of cancer
other genital organs and body systems
Contribute to impaired fertility

Слайд 22

STI – a threat to reproductive health

Dangerous to the fetus (intrauterine infection

STI – a threat to reproductive health Dangerous to the fetus (intrauterine
and death in early pregnancy)
Hazard to the fetus (malformations, developmental delay, low birth weight)
Dangerous for the newborn (intrauterine pneumonia, sepsis, and others. Diseases that the unborn child may die in the first hours / days of life)

Слайд 23

How to prevent STIs?

Protected sex
Compliance with the rules obschegigienicheskih
Use of personal hygiene

How to prevent STIs? Protected sex Compliance with the rules obschegigienicheskih Use
and prevention
If you suspect a poisoning - SVOEREMENNOE visits to doctors and Early Diagnosis
Syphilis - conducting preventive treatment
Vaccination against human papillomavirus infection

Слайд 24

Individual STI and urinary infections


Individual STI and urinary infections condom Miramistin spermicides betadine

Слайд 25

Where can I go for help?

Skin and venereal clinic
Student clinic
Clinic in the

Where can I go for help? Skin and venereal clinic Student clinic
The Department of Dermatology and
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology medical Centers
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