- 2. Problem No. 1 for Aqueous Paints & Coatings/ Проблема № 1 в водных ЛКМ: Surface Tension
- 3. Resulting problems compared to solvent borne systems/ Проблемы, возникающие в сравнении с органорастворимыми системами: Poor pigment/filler
- 4. In practice confirmed rules are / На практике доказано, что: Substrates with higher surface energy are
- 5. Example / Пример: Water with and without Troysol LAC on Aluminium coil Вода с Troysol LAC
- 6. Troysol LAC reduces the surface tension of water significantly more effective than other products on the
- 7. Decrease of surface tension of an acrylic emulsion by adding Troysol LAC and a competitor product
- 8. Improved substrate wetting by using Troysol LAC Улучшение смачивания субстрата с помощью Troysol LAC: Aqueous Coatings
- 9. 0,5% comp.product конкур. продукт Control Контрольный Improved substrate wetting by using Troysol LAC Улучшение смачивания субстрата
- 10. Control/Контрольный + 0,5 % Troysol LAC + 0,5 % comp. Products/ конкур. продукт Improved substrate wetting
- 11. Decreasing the surface tension of an aqueous formulation will result in better substrate wetting and further
- 12. Improved substrate wetting by using Troysol LAC Улучшение смачивания субстрата с помощью Troysol LAC : Impact
- 13. Gloss Measures vs. visible impression on an example of an alkyd resin based topcoat / Измерение
- 14. Acrylic top coat based on / Акриловый топкоут на основе Neocryl XK 90 Control/Контрольный + 0,5
- 15. Troysol LAC in aqueous paint- and coatings formulation improves / В рецептурах водных красок и покрытий
- 16. Surfactants tend to stabilize the incorporated air (during production/application)/ ПАВ стабилизируют воздух, вовлеченный в покрытие (во
- 17. Troysol ZLAC: Same Performance as Troysol LAC/ Такие же свойства, как у Troysol LAC Only 16
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