Adjectives.. Degrees of comparison. Степени сравнения прилагательных

Слайд 2

Правила правописания

односложные и двусложные прилагательные образуют сравнительную и превосходную степень путём

Правила правописания односложные и двусложные прилагательные образуют сравнительную и превосходную степень путём
добавления –er, -est.
В прилагательных, оканчивающихся на у, у заменяется на i и добавляется – est

Слайд 3

“ Three Bears”

“ Three Bears”

Слайд 5

The bears’ house

The bears’ house

Слайд 6

Three bears live in the house in the forest. Their names

Three bears live in the house in the forest. Their names are
are Michail Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna and Mishutka. Their house is big.

Слайд 7

This is a dining room.

This is a dining room.

Слайд 8

упражнение 1
There is a table and three chairs. Mishutka’s chair is

упражнение 1 There is a table and three chairs. Mishutka’s chair is
high. Nastasya Petrovna’s chair is (high) than Mishutka’s chair.Michail Ivanovich’s chair is the (high).
On the table you can see three bowls. Mishutka’s bowl is big. Nastasya Petrovna’s bowl is (big) than Mishutka’s bowl.Michail Ivanovich’s bowl is the (big).
There is porridge in the bowls. Porridge in Michail Ivanovich’s bowl is tasty. Nastasya Petrovna’s porridge is (tasty) than Michail Ivanovich’s porridge But Mishutka’s porridge is the (tasty).

Слайд 9

In the bedroom there are three beds.

In the bedroom there are three beds.

Слайд 10

Mishutka’s bed is large.
Nastasya Petrovna’s bed is (large) than Mishutka’s bed.
Michail Ivanovich’s

Mishutka’s bed is large. Nastasya Petrovna’s bed is (large) than Mishutka’s bed.
bed is the (large).

Слайд 11

Who is the kindest person in this family?
Who is the strongest

Who is the kindest person in this family? Who is the strongest
person in this family?
Who is the loudest person in this family?

Слайд 12

упражнение 2 Степени сравнения прилагательных. Degrees of comparison.

положительная сравнительная превосходная
high ……

упражнение 2 Степени сравнения прилагательных. Degrees of comparison. положительная сравнительная превосходная high
the highest
big bigger ……
tasty ……. the tastiest
large larger ……..
Имя файла: Adjectives..-Degrees-of-comparison.-Степени-сравнения-прилагательных.pptx
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