- 2. One day…….. The boy was …… He got ……..
- 3. Then he….. He saw a…. He was….
- 4. After that he….. He was…
- 5. Finally he …….
- 6. In the end he saw…….under the…… He was…..
- 12. flowers TV swimming pool beds stairs
- 18. Film!
- 19. + cribs ?
- 20. Speak – spoke –spoken
- 21. Make- made - made
- 22. Brake – broke - broken
- 23. Come – came - come
- 24. Give – gave -given
- 25. Take – took – taken
- 29. + сribs!
- 39. Bingo (numbers)
- 40. I like…. I would like…… I like pizza. I would like to eat pizza! + pres
- 45. -Look at Tom and Jerry’s day!
- 46. What about your days? Are they crazy or normal?
- 51. Take the photos about every sentence to look at them next lesson.
- 57. Скачать презентацию