Слайд 2Plan
1.Adverbial clause of result
2.Adverbial clause of manner and comparison

Слайд 3What is an Adverbial clause?

Слайд 7Examples
1.He is older than he looks.
2.No one can run faster than Raman.

may do as you please.
4.It all ended as I expected.
5.As he has lived so he will die.
Слайд 9Examples
1.Please do as I have told you.
2.He cries as if he were

3.She speaks as though he were the boss.
The subjunctive is used after as if and as though
Слайд 111.I am happier than I ever was before.
2.That horse is more

obstinate than a mule.
3.Ben fields baseballs better than he hits.