- 2. Capital : Bruxelles Population:11 358 952 people Area: 30 528 км² Multilinguall Profile
- 3. According to (Valasek, 1990) Belgium is divided into four linguistic regions: monolingual Netherlandic region, French, German
- 4. Languages There are three official languages that are established in Belgium: Dutch, French and German. (amcham.be)
- 5. Language in education The significance of language skills is emphasized through the education system by learning
- 6. Currently around 80% of the population in Brussels speak French as their first language. This is
- 7. Government Politics are to decide what language to use in their speech, as in Belgian Parlament,
- 8. Television No united and national television at all (language division) There is no single company operating
- 9. Language laws 1878 law on the use of languages consisted of enforced language rights for Dutch
- 10. Thank you for your attention!
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