Brand. Vocabulary


Слайд 2


The tendency to always buy a particular brand

LOYALTY The tendency to always buy a particular brand

Слайд 3


The ideas and beliefs people have about a brand

IMAGE The ideas and beliefs people have about a brand

Слайд 4


Using an existing name on another type of product

STRETCHING Using an existing name on another type of product

Слайд 5


How familiar people are with a brand (or its logo and slogan

AWARENESS How familiar people are with a brand (or its logo and slogan

Слайд 6


The title given to a product by the company that makes it

NAME The title given to a product by the company that makes it

Слайд 7



Product Vocabulary

Слайд 8


The introduction of a product to the market

LAUNCH The introduction of a product to the market

Слайд 9


The length of time people continue to buy a product

LIFECYCLE The length of time people continue to buy a product

Слайд 10


The set of products made by a company

RANGE The set of products made by a company

Слайд 11


When products are used in films or TV programmes

PLACEMENT When products are used in films or TV programmes

Слайд 12


The use of a well-known person to advertise products

ENDORSEMENT The use of a well-known person to advertise products

Слайд 13



Market Vocabulary

Слайд 14


The best-selling product or brand in a market

LEADER The best-selling product or brand in a market

Слайд 15


Information about what consumers want or need

RESEARCH Information about what consumers want or need

Слайд 16


The percentage of sales a company has

SHARE The percentage of sales a company has

Слайд 17


The second best-selling product or brand in a market.

CHALLENGER The second best-selling product or brand in a market.

Слайд 18


Customers of a similar age, income level or social group

SEGMENT Customers of a similar age, income level or social group

Слайд 19



Test Brand

Слайд 20

The tendency to always buy a particular brand

a. Loyalty
b. Image
c. Stretching
d. Awareness

The tendency to always buy a particular brand a. Loyalty b. Image

a. Loyalty
b. Image
c. Stretching
d. Awareness
e. Name

Слайд 21

a. Loyalty
b. Image
c. Stretching
d. Awareness
e. Name

The title given to a product by

a. Loyalty b. Image c. Stretching d. Awareness e. Name The title
the company that makes it

a. Loyalty
b. Image
c. Stretching
d. Awareness
e. Name

Слайд 22

a. Loyalty
b. Image
c. Stretching
d. Awareness
e. Name

The ideas and beliefs people have about

a. Loyalty b. Image c. Stretching d. Awareness e. Name The ideas
a brand

a. Loyalty
b. Image
c. Stretching
d. Awareness
e. Name

Слайд 23

a. Loyalty
b. Image
c. Stretching
d. Awareness
e. Name

How familiar people are with a brand

a. Loyalty b. Image c. Stretching d. Awareness e. Name How familiar
(or its logo and slogan)

a. Loyalty
b. Image
c. Stretching
d. Awareness
e. Name

Слайд 24

a. Loyalty
b. Image
c. Stretching
d. Awareness
e. Name

Using an existing name on another type

a. Loyalty b. Image c. Stretching d. Awareness e. Name Using an
of product

a. Loyalty
b. Image
c. Stretching
d. Awareness
e. Name

Слайд 25



Test Product

Слайд 26

a. Launch
b. Lifecycle
c. Range
d. Placement
e. Endorsement

The use of a well-known person to

a. Launch b. Lifecycle c. Range d. Placement e. Endorsement The use
advertise products

a. Launch
b. Lifecycle
c. Range
d. Placement
e. Endorsement

Слайд 27

a. Launch
b. Lifecycle
c. Range
d. Placement
e. Endorsement

The introduction of a product to the

a. Launch b. Lifecycle c. Range d. Placement e. Endorsement The introduction

a. Launch
b. Lifecycle
c. Range
d. Placement
e. Endorsement

Слайд 28

a. Launch
b. Lifecycle
c. Range
d. Placement
e. Endorsement

When products are used in films or

a. Launch b. Lifecycle c. Range d. Placement e. Endorsement When products
TV programmes

a. Launch
b. Lifecycle
c. Range
d. Placement
e. Endorsement

Слайд 29

a. Launch
b. Lifecycle
c. Range
d. Placement
e. Endorsement

The length of time people continue to

a. Launch b. Lifecycle c. Range d. Placement e. Endorsement The length
buy a product

a. Launch
b. Lifecycle
c. Range
d. Placement
e. Endorsement

Слайд 30

a. Launch
b. Lifecycle
c. Range
d. Placement
e. Endorsement

Using an existing name on another type

a. Launch b. Lifecycle c. Range d. Placement e. Endorsement Using an
of product

a. Launch
b. Lifecycle
c. Range
d. Placement
e. Endorsement

Слайд 31



Test Market

Слайд 32

a. Leader
b. Research
c. Share
d. Challenger
e. Segment

The percentage of sales a company has


a. Leader b. Research c. Share d. Challenger e. Segment The percentage
b. Research
c. Share
d. Challenger
e. Segment

Слайд 33

a. Leader
b. Research
c. Share
d. Challenger
e. Segment

The best-selling product or brand in a

a. Leader b. Research c. Share d. Challenger e. Segment The best-selling

a. Leader
b. Research
c. Share
d. Challenger
e. Segment

Слайд 34

a. Leader
b. Research
c. Share
d. Challenger
e. Segment

Customers of a similar age, income level

a. Leader b. Research c. Share d. Challenger e. Segment Customers of
or social group

a. Leader
b. Research
c. Share
d. Challenger
e. Segment

Слайд 35

a. Leader
b. Research
c. Share
d. Challenger
e. Segment

The second best-selling product or brand in

a. Leader b. Research c. Share d. Challenger e. Segment The second
a market.

a. Leader
b. Research
c. Share
d. Challenger
e. Segment

Слайд 36

a. Leader
b. Research
c. Share
d. Challenger
e. Segment

Information about what consumers want or need

a. Leader b. Research c. Share d. Challenger e. Segment Information about

Слайд 37



Test Writing
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Количество просмотров: 58
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