Grammar Moments

Слайд 2

Couple / Pair
Couple – two different things (a couple of friends, a

Couple / Pair Couple – two different things (a couple of friends,
married couple)
OR – when we are not sure about the exact number
A couple of years ago
Pair – two similar things (a pair of shoes, a pair of gloves)

Слайд 3

Besides / Except
I’ve always wanted to have a pet. Besides, guinea pigs

Besides / Except I’ve always wanted to have a pet. Besides, guinea
are so cute!
Everybody except my brother wants to have a pet.

Слайд 4

Had better / would rather

- It’s getting late, you’d better hurry!

Had better / would rather - It’s getting late, you’d better hurry!
rather stay and spend the night here
Would you rather do it now or wait until tomorrow?
We’d better start writing if we want to do it quickly.



Слайд 5

Be quiet. Everybody’s working
It was a quiet night
That’s quite a difficult test

Be quiet. Everybody’s working It was a quiet night That’s quite a
quite right
He wants to quit his job
She quit smoking years ago

Quiet / quite / quit




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