Butcher Shop

Слайд 2

The Setup

A fast food chain recently bought a bovine meat-processing outlet to

The Setup A fast food chain recently bought a bovine meat-processing outlet
supply it with fresh hamburgers and other meets. The shop process is: cows enter from one end of the shop, meat gets processed in the middle, and then the meat gets packaged and delivered at the other end.

Слайд 3


The manager of the butcher shop however could not decide whether to

Question The manager of the butcher shop however could not decide whether
have the cows walk or run into the meat processing room. Can you help him?

Слайд 4

Make Assumptions

Assume the amount of hamburgers from one cow. How many are

Make Assumptions Assume the amount of hamburgers from one cow. How many
How many hours per day is the shop open for?
10 walking cows per hour can be processed for sure
25 running cows per hour can be processed for sure
Assume that fast food chain of 10 outlets total is supplied by that meat factory
There are three competitors with 25% market share each therefore having 75,000 potential customers. How many of those are served by the fast food chain our client supplies? How many of those served buy a burger? (Name a figure of burgers per week)
Имя файла: Butcher-Shop.pptx
Количество просмотров: 46
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