Слайд 2My friend Andrei and I met in the school, in the first

grade. In the first day in school we become friends.
Слайд 3Andrei and I get on very well. We’ve got so much in

common. I’ve been happy to talk with him, because he was first who talked with me.
Слайд 4In primary school we’ve been friends. In secondary school we’ve been friends

too. We’ve been friends all the time. We never been in row. Fun fact: I've never fought him!
Слайд 5I played with him a lot. I walked with him a lot.

In summer, in winter, in any season of the year. I paid for him if he been need in this because he was my best friend all the time.
Слайд 6He is one of the few who invited me to his birthday,

invited me to visit him. He is the one of the few who supported me. He is the one of the few who made me feel a real friendship!
Слайд 7We went different ways. I went to the college, and he went

to high school. I was very upset, because I wouldn’t see him soon. He was been my almost lifelong friend.
Слайд 8I appreciate our friendship, I hope I can continue to be friends

with him, but moving to Moscow from my hometown not give a chance for this. But he can go to Moscow in summer, so I can see him in holidays.