Colors. Power of positive thinking

Слайд 2


Can we bus there? No, we will take a taxi.
He lazed

2.Многофункциональность. Can we bus there? No, we will take a taxi. He
all day.
I can multitask.
We need to better things.
Do I have a say?
Is it a go?
Don’t “OK” me!
This book is a good read.
I am a half-glass-full kind of girl.

Слайд 3

3.Power of Positive Thinking. Political Correctness.

Ни в коем случае –no way/ it’s out

3.Power of Positive Thinking. Political Correctness. Ни в коем случае –no way/
of question
Вежл.: I am afraid I’m not up to it// I don’t think I can.
Совет: It won’t hurt to…
Perhaps you’d better not do that.
What about your …
Let’s agree to disagree.

Слайд 4

4.Political Correctness (2).

Horizontally// vertically challenged
Old people – senior citizens
Poor people – disadvantaged

4.Political Correctness (2). Horizontally// vertically challenged Old people – senior citizens Poor
Chairperson - humankind
Motherland - homeland

Слайд 5

5.England and America:

Two nations divided by a common language.
Winston Churchill,

5.England and America: Two nations divided by a common language. Winston Churchill,
Two countries separated by the same language.
George Bernard Shaw, 1942
We have everything in common with America nowadays, except, of course, language.
Oscar Wilde, 1887
A typical British comment: Why AmE and BrE? There should be: American English and ‘proper English’.
James Fenimore Cooper: “The people of the United States speak . . . incomparably better English than the people of the mother country.”
The question: Divided or united?

Слайд 6

6.Plymouth/Plimoth Plantation
Плимутская плантация - американский этнографический музей

6.Plymouth/Plimoth Plantation Плимутская плантация - американский этнографический музей

Слайд 8

7. Слова, сохранившиеся в AmE и вышедшие из употребления в BrE
1.  Fall

7. Слова, сохранившиеся в AmE и вышедшие из употребления в BrE 1.
(US) – Autumn (UK) 
2.  trash (US) – rubbish (UK)
3.  gotten (US) – got (UK)
4.  I guess (US) – I suppose (UK)
5.  eyeglasses (US) – spectacles (UK)
6.  faucet (US) – tap (UK)
7.  candy (US) – sweets (UK)
8. sick (US) – ill (UK)
9. railroad (US) – railway (UK)
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