“Live not to eat but eat to live”

Слайд 3Betty Botter bought some butter,
"But," she said, "this butter's bitter.
If I bake

this bitter butter,
It will make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter -
That would make my batter better."
So she bought a bit of butter,
Better than her bitter butter,
And she baked it in her batter,
And the batter was not bitter.
So 'twas better Betty Botter
Bought a bit of better butter.
Слайд 6Divide food products into 4 categories
Junk food
Diary products

Слайд 7Pinch chocolate
Bar sugar
Slice of bread
Teaspoon cheese
Loaf milk
Litre salt
Eating habits

Слайд 8Food preparation
Slice нарезать ломтиками
Peel срезать кожицу
Pour наливать
Chop рубить
Grate тереть на терке
Beat взбивать

Melt таять
Слайд 10slice peel chop grate beat pour melt
potatoes butter chocolate
eggs cream sauce

onions bread vegetables
cake coffee carrots
bananas cheese
Слайд 12Find the odd words.
carrot, onion, cabbage, potato, strawberry
bacon, beef, turkey, pork

lemonade, tea, sugar, coffee, juice
grapes, apple, pear, ice-cream
butter, cheese, yoghurt, bread, milk
Слайд 13“At the restaurant”
Waiter: Good evening, sir. May I take your order?
Tim: Yes,

please. I’ll have the vegetable soup to start with.
Waiter: And for the main course?
Tim: I’m not sure. What’s today special?
Waiter: It’s grilled fish with carrots.
Tim: That’s sounds nice. I’ll have that, please.
Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?
Tim: A large glass of mineral water, please.
Waiter: Thank you.