
Слайд 2


Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee
Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj

The ABC Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj
Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq
Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww
Xx Yy Zz

Слайд 3

_ Dd_ _ Ff_ _Bb _ _ Hh_
_Kk_ _Gg_ _Ss_

_ Dd_ _ Ff_ _Bb _ _ Hh_ _Kk_ _Gg_ _Ss_ _Nn_
_Qq_ _Tt_ _Ww_
_Yy_ _Uu_ _Ii_

Слайд 4

C - [s] перед e,i,y
C - [k] cat, cave
ck- [k]

Remember C - [s] перед e,i,y (palace,city,cycle) C - [k] cat, cave
black, clock
(t)ch- [tʃ] cheese, chocolate, watch

Слайд 5

G- [dʒ] перед e,i,y
G - [g] great, big,

G- [dʒ] перед e,i,y (orange,gymnastics) G - [g] great, big, go *
* give, get
ng [ ŋ ] english, song, sing
ght [t] eight, right
gn [n] sign, design

Слайд 6

S - [s] в начале слов, после глухих согласных
(say, six,

S - [s] в начале слов, после глухих согласных (say, six, cats,
cats, parrots)
S - [z] между гласных, после гласных и звонких согласных
(cheese, sausages, dogs)
sh- [ʃ] she, dish, fish

Слайд 7

th- [ð]в начале служебных слов и между гласными
(the, this, clothes, mother)

th- [ð]в начале служебных слов и между гласными (the, this, clothes, mother)
th- [θ] в начале и конце других слов
(thank, think, three, bath)

Слайд 8

ph- [f] Phillips, Phil, photo
wh [w] what, white, when
wh [h] who, whose,

ph- [f] Phillips, Phil, photo wh [w] what, white, when wh [h]
wr [r] writer, wrong
kn [n] know, knock
qu [kw] queen, quick

Слайд 9

Открытый слог

гласная буква является конечной;
be, my
за гласной буквой идет другая гласная

Открытый слог гласная буква является конечной; be, my за гласной буквой идет
(непроизносимая - e);
за гласной буквой идет одна согласная буква с произносимой или непроизносимой гласной;

Слайд 10

Гласная в корне под ударением читается как в алфавите
a [ei] - lake,

Гласная в корне под ударением читается как в алфавите a [ei] -
famous, amazing
e [i] - three, Pete, be
i(y) [ai] - nine, my
o [ou] – rose, no
u [ju] - student, tube

Слайд 11

Закрытый слог
за гласной буквой идет одна или две конечные согласные буквы;
bag, cat,

Закрытый слог за гласной буквой идет одна или две конечные согласные буквы;
pet, pig
за гласной буквой идут две или три согласные буквы с последующей гласной.
pretty, apple

Слайд 12

Гласные читаются не как в алфавите
a [æ] - bagpipe, thank
e [e] -

Гласные читаются не как в алфавите a [æ] - bagpipe, thank e
i (y) [i] - six, system
o [o] – dog
u [Λ] - but

Слайд 14

Read the words:
ancient, dances, place, cave, attractive, task, change, have, chance,

Read the words: ancient, dances, place, cave, attractive, task, change, have, chance,
castle, play,
capital, way, amazing, valley, craft, smart, father, are, race, palace, market,
animals, cars, gallery, art, games, pass, classmate, classic, page, rain, can, national.

Слайд 15

Read the words:
gallery, salt, saw, care, autumn, fair, art,
small, cause, football, repair,

Read the words: gallery, salt, saw, care, autumn, fair, art, small, cause,
start, airport, warm, share, market, wash, tall, prepare, garden, car, hare, August, grandparents, various, was, park, spare, hard, daughter, square, want, always, walk, scary, fault, talk, watch, law, wall, arch, small, fare, careful, talkative, all

Слайд 17

Read the words:
Funny, music, June, popular, sugar, nut, duck, Thursday, pullover,

Read the words: Funny, music, June, popular, sugar, nut, duck, Thursday, pullover,
Urals, put, church, curious, glue, unusual, Saturday, sunny, blue, run, musician, purple, costume, tube, turtle, July, pure, rule, museum, supermarket, cut, turkey, umbrella, turned-up, Russia, gusli, culture, drums, instrument.

Слайд 19

Read the words:
elephant, question, friend, where, she, niece, queen, learn, between,

Read the words: elephant, question, friend, where, she, niece, queen, learn, between,
England, evening, newspaper, twelve, New Year, weather, yesterday, repeat, verse, here, her, zebra, person, nephew, break, breakfast, request, there, dear, clean, theatre, every, well, health, hear, spend,
see, exercise, sentence, perfect, dew, clear

Слайд 20

Read the words:
Change, newspaper, want, curious, square,
where, unusual, craft, basketball, ready, here,

Read the words: Change, newspaper, want, curious, square, where, unusual, craft, basketball,
culture, pleasure, English, church, yesterday, Urals, have, music, spare, learn,
museum, turtle, perfume, dear, warm, pure, cucumber, because, rule, sea, amazing, amusing, exercise, gallery, person, mark, grandparents, shelf, father, hear, Thursday, grey, Russian, question, run, bus, careful, castle, bread, put, classmate, palace, her.

Слайд 22

Read the words:
Picture, myth, kitchen, behind, story, why, birthday, satire, girl,

Read the words: Picture, myth, kitchen, behind, story, why, birthday, satire, girl,
python, university, by, little, right, yesterday, child, children, information, thirty-first, gym, write, crocodile, physics, fire, shy, blind, your, very, admire, shirt, knife, this, style, circus, city, riddles, fight, wind, Hyde Park, piece, yellow, bicycles, exciting, sign, virtual, fancy, cry, white, lazy, life, live, thirteen, bonfire, tie, tyres, yes, cinema, time, buy.

Слайд 24

Read the words:
Smoke, who, bookshop, story, romance, long, how, window, go,

Read the words: Smoke, who, bookshop, story, romance, long, how, window, go,
do, mother, door, cook, above, know, our, brown, corner, Monday, come, home, morning, October, office, sometimes, homework, school, tourist, fourteen, thousand, slow, more, cook, woman, short, shore, your, yellow, from, cold, world, chocolate, opposite, town, worse, hobby, sport, glove, one.

Слайд 25


[ ei]





[ o ]



[ e]


FILL IN THE TABLE [ ei] [ai] [ou] [ju] [i] [ o
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