English punctuation rules

Слайд 2

1. Comma in simple sentence

To separate 3 or more items in a

1. Comma in simple sentence To separate 3 or more items in
“I saw milk, vegetables, and tuna in the fridge.”

Слайд 3

1. Comma in simple sentence

To set off words of direct address, words

1. Comma in simple sentence To set off words of direct address,
that name the person being spoken to.
“Sandra, show me your essay.”

Слайд 4

1. Comma in simple sentence

After introductory words and phrases.
“Moreover, I believe we

1. Comma in simple sentence After introductory words and phrases. Examples: “Moreover,
should keep an eye on that situation.”
“In case of an emergency, the fire crew will be called.”

Слайд 5

1. Comma in simple sentence

Before and after an appositive.
“Our neighbors, the Smith,

1. Comma in simple sentence Before and after an appositive. Example: “Our
came for dinner last night.”

Слайд 6

1. Comma in simple sentence

After a participle phrase at the beginning of

1. Comma in simple sentence After a participle phrase at the beginning
the sentence.
“Walking home, I tried to decide what I was going to say.”

Слайд 7

1. Comma in simple sentence

In dates between the day of the month

1. Comma in simple sentence In dates between the day of the
and the year.
“The postmark read September 10, 1998, Chicago, Illinois.

Слайд 8

1. Comma in simple sentence

In direct speech
He asked, “Where did you go?”

1. Comma in simple sentence In direct speech Example: He asked, “Where did you go?”

Слайд 9

2. Comma in compound sentences

To separate independent clauses
“The sky was covered with

2. Comma in compound sentences To separate independent clauses Examples: “The sky
clouds, a cold wind was blowing.”
“She nodded, but he sensed a trace of lingering anxiety.”

Слайд 10

2. Comma in compound sentences

After adverbial clauses when these come first in

2. Comma in compound sentences After adverbial clauses when these come first
a sentence.
“If you are ever in London, you should visit the Houses of Parliament.”
“You should visit the Houses of Parliament if you are ever in London.”

Слайд 11

2. Comma in compound sentences

Subordinate clause (придаточное предложение) = Subject (подлежащее) /

2. Comma in compound sentences Subordinate clause (придаточное предложение) = Subject (подлежащее)
Predicate (сказуемое)
“Where he found that bag is a mystery to me.”

Слайд 12

2. Comma in compound sentences

Never use a comma befor that
“He said that

2. Comma in compound sentences Never use a comma befor that Example:
he would never start smoking again.”

Слайд 13

2. Comma in compound sentences

“My sister, who is from LA, came to

2. Comma in compound sentences “My sister, who is from LA, came
my place.”
Простое описательное предложение про сестру: «Моя сестра, живущая в Лос-Анджелесе, приехала ко мне. Мы понимаем, о какой сестре идёт речь.

Слайд 14

2. Comma in compound sentences

“My sister who is from LA came to

2. Comma in compound sentences “My sister who is from LA came
my place.”
Какая именно из сестёр приехала?: «Моя сестра, та, что из Нью-Йорка, прехала ко мне.»
Имя файла: English-punctuation-rules.pptx
Количество просмотров: 50
Количество скачиваний: 0