- 2. Welcome to our collection of speaking games! They are specially made for online classes, but also
- 3. Game List Fish Fingers! What’s the Object? Shopping List Count to 21 Categories Find Something... Quick-Change
- 4. Surprise Me! The Random Game Generator ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
- 5. Fish Fingers! Instructions: All students must close their eyes or move off-screen. One student says ‘fish
- 6. What’s the Object? Instructions: Look at the parts of different objects. What do you think they
- 7. Shopping List Instructions: One student starts a sentence with ‘I went to town and I bought…’
- 8. Count to 21 Instructions: The aim of the game is to count from 1 to 21.
- 9. wild animals colours subjects at school objects in the house things in your backpack superheroes colours
- 10. Find something wooden. Find a soft toy. Find a spoon. Find something you wear on your
- 11. Quick-Change Artist Instructions: A student from the group is chosen (the quick-change artist). All the students
- 12. Eggs aren’t made from milk. Swimming isn’t a ball sport. A car isn’t an emergency vehicle.
- 13. Two Truths and a Lie Instructions: Write down three ‘facts’ about yourself - two things that
- 14. What Can You Guess about Me? Instructions: Use the topics to make sentences about your classmates
- 15. The Two-Minute Weekend Instructions: Students can work in pairs, or as a group. One student (A)
- 16. Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! Instructions: Ask and answer the questions. The answer to the question
- 17. Tongue Twisters Instructions: Say these slowly, then faster. How fast can you say them? How many
- 18. Map Adventure Instructions: Choose a city to explore on an online map. Move through the city
- 19. One-Word Stories Instructions: Make a story together! Students can only say one word each to add
- 20. Fortunately, Unfortunately Instructions: One student starts a story with just one sentence. The next student has
- 21. The Expert Instructions: Nominate a student. The student has to choose a topic and talk about
- 22. Yes/No Game Instructions: Students ask questions to a nominated classmate. The nominated student is not allowed
- 23. What Can You Do with It? Instructions: Choose an object and try and think of as
- 24. And Then... Instructions: One student starts a story. The next student continues the story with one
- 25. Would You Rather? Instructions: Click on the boxes to reveal the questions. Ask and answer the
- 26. Interview a Celebrity Instructions: Think of a celebrity you’d like to meet one day. It can
- 27. Picture Prompt Instructions: Choose a picture. What’s happening in the story? What happened before? What’s going
- 28. Roll of the Dice Story Instructions: Choose one of the storyboards. Roll a dice four times
- 29. Desert Island Instructions: Imagine you are going to a desert island for a year. You can
- 30. Riddles Instructions: Can you guess what these riddles mean? Click on them to reveal the answers
- 31. The Perfect Party Instructions: You are hosting a party. You can invite whomever you like -
- 32. I Am an Alien Instructions: Imagine your teacher is an alien! They need to complete an
- 33. Mad Libs Instructions: Each player completes the grammatical features grid with unusual examples of words. When
- 34. Mad Libs Instructions: Each player completes the grammatical features grid with unusual examples of words. When
- 35. Mini Role Play 1 Instructions: Your teacher will give you a role to play. Imagine you
- 36. Mini Role Play 2 Instructions: Your teacher will give you a role to play. Imagine you
- 37. Random Debate Picker Instructions: Pick a box to reveal the random debate topic. You have five
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