Gerunds or infinitives

Слайд 2

Gerunds are formed by adding “-ing” to the verb: “sleeping,” “drawing,” “swimming. Gerunds

Gerunds are formed by adding “-ing” to the verb: “sleeping,” “drawing,” “swimming.
are actually verb forms used as nouns.

Слайд 3


Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing him.

FAMOUS SAYINGS WITH GERUNDS Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in
who likes borrowing dislikes 
By doing nothing we learn to do ill. 
Learn to swim by swimming. 
Think twice before speaking. 
Saying and doing are two different things
No flying from fate

Слайд 4

Usage of gerunds

В качестве существительного
Staying at home is a rule during the

Usage of gerunds В качестве существительного Staying at home is a rule
COVID-19 pandemic.

Для обозначения вида деятельности
I think it’ll be a nice idea to go fishing next weekend.
Для обозначения того ,что люди любят / не любят
I prefer using washable masks
I hate seeing people litter in public places.
После устойчивых выражений (no use, can’t help)
I can’t help laughing each time when I see Charlie Chaplin’s films. Parents may think ”What’s the use of telling children what to do? They won’t listen”

Слайд 5

После прилагательных

После выражений с предлогами
People look forward to visiting other

После прилагательных После выражений с предлогами People look forward to visiting other
places after the pandemic is over.
The governments insist on following the rules of self isolation and wearing masks.

Слайд 6


1 What’s the use of ……(argue) about the necessity of vaccination?
2 (Take)

- 1 What’s the use of ……(argue) about the necessity of vaccination?
…. a vaccine will protect people from at-risk groups.
3 President –elect Joe Biden is famous for ….(misspeak) and Donald Trump – for ……(boast)
4 Many political leaders were able to be re-elected if they were good at …..(handle) the COVID-19 situation in the country.
5 Mental health specialists are sure that people look forward to …..(hug) each other and …..(shake) hands.

Слайд 7

Idioms about the weather

 «On cloud nine» – быть на 7 небе (от счастья).


Idioms about the weather «On cloud nine» – быть на 7 небе
the weather» – неважно себя чувствовать.

Слайд 8

a bolt from the blue как гром среди ясного неба

 «Save for

a bolt from the blue как гром среди ясного неба «Save for
a rainy day» – сохранить на черный день

See which way the wind blows / see which way the wind is blowing
куда/откуда ветер дует/подует (не спешить с решением

Слайд 9

Use the idioms in a sentence

To be a bolt from the

Use the idioms in a sentence To be a bolt from the
On cloud nine
Under the weather
To see which way the wind is blowing
To save up for a rainy day

When the lockdown was introduced, for many people it was …..
Before starting a new project in the pandemic, businesses have to ….., as social, political and economic situation is constantly changing.
The first symptoms of COVID-19 is feeling ………………

Слайд 10

Use the idioms

To be a bolt from the blue
On cloud nine

Use the idioms To be a bolt from the blue On cloud
the weather
To see which way the wind is blowing
To save up for a rainy day

When the pandemic is over, we all be ……. – we’ll be able to travel abroad, to celebrate our important events the way we like, and contact each other face-to-face.
During the pandemic people have to …. as they are not sure about their future salary.

Слайд 11

Вставьте слова в пробелы air/ Intense/ intensity / monsoon / out / flooding/

Вставьте слова в пробелы air/ Intense/ intensity / monsoon / out /
capital/ agency/ rescue/ factors /

At least 21 people have died in the ………….. in the Indonesian …………., Jakarta, after the city had its most …………….. rainfall for at least 24 years.
The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics …………… (BMKG) measured 377mm (14.8 inches) of rainfall in a day at an airport in East Jakarta. The agency said the ……. of the rain was due to several …………., including the ………… season, as well as a high amount of water vapour in the ………..
At least 62,000 people have been evacuated …………. of the city. Some people spent the night on the roofs of their buildings while awaiting ……….. The victims ranged in age from eight to 82. Some died of hypothermia, while others drowned or were killed by landslides.

Слайд 12

Прочитать текст и выписать все выражения по теме экологии и защиты природы


Прочитать текст и выписать все выражения по теме экологии и защиты природы
DiCaprio: Russians beg star to #SaveBaikal
One of Hollywood’s best known environmentalists, Leonardo DiCaprio often uses Instagram to urge others to care about the planet. But lately his posts, in the comments section at least, have been dominated by a singular issue – the fate of a lake in Siberia. Russian environmentalists have been inundating his account with messages, many of which are written in Cyrillic text, urging the Oscar winning actor to support their campaign to save Lake Baikal.
Baikal, a Unesco world heritage site, is the oldest and deepest lake on earth and, by volume, the world’s largest freshwater lake. But campaigners, including the WWF, say the lake, also known as the “pearl of Siberia”, is at risk from pollution, development and poaching.
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