Grammar: Modals of deduction in the past and present


Слайд 2

Card 1

You are on holiday in the southern states of the USA.

Card 1 You are on holiday in the southern states of the
You're driving through a very remote area late at night, and are completely lost! You're looking for somewhere to stay, but have only seen one hotel, which was locked up. (WHY?) You have $100 in cash, and are tired and hungry. Finally you come to a junction in the middle of nowhere.
Do you:

Turn left? (Card 2)

Turn right? (Card 3)

Tip: click on the sound sign, it`ll give you creeps! Each slide has a different sound!

Слайд 3

Card 2

Five miles further on you see a big hotel on your

Card 2 Five miles further on you see a big hotel on
left. It's open! You stop and go inside, but the receptionist tells you the hotel is fully booked. A coach load of tourists have reserved all the rooms. However, it's very late and they still haven’t arrived. (WHY NOT?)
Do you:

go back to the junction and turn right? (Card 3)

continue along the road? (Card 4)

try to bribe the receptionist to give you a room?
(Card 5)

Слайд 4

Card 3

You drive for ten minutes, then see an old hotel down

Card 3 You drive for ten minutes, then see an old hotel
a narrow turning. There are a lot of cars in the car park, but you can’t see any lights on in the bedrooms. (WHY NOT?) The receptionist offers you a room for $50.
Do you:

take the room? (Card 6)

get back in the car and continue driving? (Card 7)

Слайд 5

Card 4

You drive a bit further, but come to a sign in

Card 4 You drive a bit further, but come to a sign
the middle of the road that says Road closed - extreme danger! (WHY?)
Do you:

go back to the hotel and try to bribe the receptionist to give you a room? (Card 5)

go back to the junction and turn right? (Card 3)

Слайд 6

Card 5

The receptionist takes your bribe, and gives you the key to

Card 5 The receptionist takes your bribe, and gives you the key
room 101. When you unlock the door, you see that the room is full of boxes of cigarettes - thousands of them! (WHY?) You go back to the receptionist to complain, but he pulls out a gun and tells you to get out.
Do you:

go back to the junction and turn right? (Card 3)
get back in the car and continue along the road?(Card 4)

Слайд 7

Card 6

You leave your bags in the room and go to the

Card 6 You leave your bags in the room and go to
restaurant - you're very hungry! There are no other guests in the restaurant (WHY NOT?) You order some food, and the waiter offers you free wine with your meal. The atmosphere in the empty restaurant is making you feel a little nervous.
Do you:

wait for your meal to arrive? (Card 8)

go back to your room without eating? (Card 9)

Слайд 8

Card 7

You drive for a while and come to a nice-looking motel.

Card 7 You drive for a while and come to a nice-looking
Sitting at reception is a man wearing an old-fashioned army uniform. (WHY?) There are lots of candles everywhere, and none of the lights are on. (WHY NOT?) He tells you there's only one room free - it costs $40.
Do you:

take the room?
(Card 12)

continue driving?
(Card 13)

Слайд 9

Card 8

Your meal arrives, along with two large glasses of red wine.

Card 8 Your meal arrives, along with two large glasses of red
You start eating, but the meat you ordered tastes terrible. (WHY?) Also, the wine doesn’t taste like any wine you've ever tasted.
Do you:

leave the food and go up to your room? (Card 9)

complain to the waiter? (Card 10)

Слайд 10

Card 9

You are now back in your room. You get undressed and

Card 9 You are now back in your room. You get undressed
try to go to sleep. However, in the next room you hear a woman scream, then a loud noise. (WHAT’S HAPPENED?)
Do you:

go and see what’s going on next door? (Card 11)

get back in your car and drive away? (Card 7)

Слайд 11

Card 10

You make a complaint, and are taken to see the chef.

Card 10 You make a complaint, and are taken to see the
In the kitchen you notice a human finger on the floor. There’s also a bag of toes under the table! (WHAT'S BEEN HAPPENING?) You run out of the building, chased by the chef waving a large knife! You get in your car and drive away.
Do you:

go back to the junction and turn left? (Card 2)

continue driving along the road you’re on? (Card 7)

Слайд 12

Card 11

You go into the room next door and see a woman

Card 11 You go into the room next door and see a
lying on the bed. She isn't moving. There’s a man standing next to her wearing a tall white hat. (WHO IS HE? WHAT'S HAPPENED?) You turn and ran out of the building, chased by the man. You get in your car just in time.
Do you:

go back to the junction and turn left? (Card 2)

continue driving along the road you're on? (Card 7)

Слайд 13

Card 12

You go into the room, light the candles and look around.

Card 12 You go into the room, light the candles and look
The room seems very clean and comfortable. You are just about to go to bed when a woman starts banging loudly on your door and asking you to help her. (WHY?)
Do you:

open the door? (Card 14)

pretend you can't hear her and hope she goes away?(Card 15)

Слайд 14

Card 13

You continue driving, and see an old man sitting at the

Card 13 You continue driving, and see an old man sitting at
side of the road. You get out of the car to ask if he knows a hotel nearby. His clothes are torn and his head is bleeding. He looks very frightened. (WHY?)
Do you:

try and help him? (Card 20)

get back in the car and leave? (Card 22)

Слайд 15

Card 14

You open the door and let her in. She tells you

Card 14 You open the door and let her in. She tells
her name is Sally, and her boyfriend is looking for her. If he finds her, he's going to kill her. (WHY?) She wants you to drive her away from the motel immediately.
Do you:

tell her to go away? (Card 16)

help her by driving her away from the motel? (Card 17)

Слайд 16

Card 15

She kicks down your door and comes in anyway! She tells

Card 15 She kicks down your door and comes in anyway! She
you her name is Sally, and her boyfriend is looking for her. If he finds her, he's going to kill her! (WHY?) She wants you to drive her away from the motel immediately!
Do you:

tell her to go away? (Card 16)

help her by driving her away from the motel? (Card 17)

Слайд 17

Card 16

Sally pulls out a gun and tells you to get in

Card 16 Sally pulls out a gun and tells you to get
your car - now! This time you don't argue! You drive for half an hour, then she tells you to stop. She gives you a thousand dollars, then runs off. (WHERE DID SHE GET THE MONEY FROM?) By now you're extremely tired.
Do you:

go back to the motel? (Card 18)

continue driving? (Card 13)

go to sleep in the car? (Card 19)

Слайд 18

Card 17

You get in the car and drive off. with Sally in

Card 17 You get in the car and drive off. with Sally
the back seat. You continue driving for half an hour, then she tells you to stop the car. She gives you a thousand dollars, then runs off. (WHERE DID SHE GET THE MONEY FROM?) By now you're extremely tired.
Do you:

go back to the motel? (Card 18)

go to sleep in the car? (Card 19)

continue driving? (Card 13)

Слайд 19

Card 18

You go back to the motel, but the door to your

Card 18 You go back to the motel, but the door to
room is locked from the inside. (WHY?) You can’t find the man in the army uniform anywhere. (WHERE HAS HE GONE?)
Do you:

go to sleep in the car? (Card 19)

continue driving? (Card 13)

Слайд 20

Card 19

You go to sleep in the car, but then a loud

Card 19 You go to sleep in the car, but then a
noise and a bright light wake you up. When the light disappears there is an old man standing in front of your car, looking confused and frightened. (WHAT'S HAPPENED TO HIM?) He knocks on your window.
Do you:

try to help him? (Card 20)

drive off immediately? (Card 13)

Слайд 21

Card 20

The old man says he’s been on an alien spaceship for

Card 20 The old man says he’s been on an alien spaceship
three days. (WHAT DO YOU THINK?) He also says he lives in the next town, and if you give him a lift you can stay the night in his house.
Do you:

give him a lift? (Card 21)

leave him there and drive off? (Card 22)

Слайд 22

Card 21

You drive off with the man in the back seat. He

Card 21 You drive off with the man in the back seat.
says he used to work for the government, but he can't tell you what he did. (WHY NOT?) When you get to the next town he invites you to stay in his house. He says there are no hotels in the town.
Do you:

accept his offer and stay with him? (Card 23)

look around the town yourself? (Card 24)

Слайд 23

Card 22

Before you can leave he collapses, so you carry him to

Card 22 Before you can leave he collapses, so you carry him
your car. He says he used to work for the government, but he can’t tell you what he did. (WHY NOT?) When you arrive at the town he invites you to stay in his house. He says there are no hotels in the town.
Do you:

accept his offer and stay with him? (Card 23)

look around the town yourself? (Card 24)

Слайд 24

Card 23

You drive up to his house, and you have to climb

Card 23 You drive up to his house, and you have to
in through the window. (WHY?) You're extremely tired, so he shows you to your bedroom. You get lost and open the wrong door. The room is full of guns and other weapons! (WHY?)
Do you:

drive away from the house immediately? (Card 24)

go back to your room and go to sleep (Card 25)

Слайд 25

Card 24

You drive round the town and discover that there is a

Card 24 You drive round the town and discover that there is
hotel. The receptionist is wearing a Mickey Mouse costume! (WHY?) The hotel looks very luxurious, but the rooms only cost $70.
Do you:

stay in the hotel? (Card 26)

continue driving? (Card 27)

Слайд 26

Card 25

While you are asleep, the army surround the house. You are

Card 25 While you are asleep, the army surround the house. You
arrested for terrorism - the man used to work for the FBI, but is now fighting against the American government. You spend the next three weeks in prison trying to convince everyone that you're innocent! You have reached the end of the maze.
Now go back through the cards and discuss with your partner(s) the decisions you made.

Слайд 27

Card 26

You go into your room - it's beautiful! You are just

Card 26 You go into your room - it's beautiful! You are
about to go to bed when you open a cupboard to get an extra pillow. Inside is a man - and he's dead! (WHEN DID HE DIE?)
Do you:

close the cupboard and go to sleep? (Card 28)

leave the hotel quietly and get back in your car?(Card 27)

Слайд 28

Card 27

You drive out of the town and see an old man

Card 27 You drive out of the town and see an old
hitch-hiking at the side of the road. He looks very dirty and untidy, and is standing next to two large suitcases. (HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN TRAVELLING?)
Do you:

give him a lift? (Card 29)

keep driving? (Card 30)

Слайд 29

Card 28

In the middle of the night the police arrive and search

Card 28 In the middle of the night the police arrive and
the room. They find the body and arrest you on suspicion of murder! You are taken to the police station and spend two nights in the cells before you can prove your innocence. You have reached the end of the maze.
Now go back through the cards and discuss with your partner(s) the decisions you made.

Слайд 30

Card 29

You give the old man a lift to his house -

Card 29 You give the old man a lift to his house
and it's the biggest house you've ever seen! The old man tells you he's a millionaire, and because you've been so kind to him he invites you in. You spend the rest of the holiday as his guest, and have the time of your life! You have reached the end of the maze.
Now go back through the cards and discuss with your partner(s) the decisions you made.
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