Слайд 2Today we are going to:
Train to understand each other speaking English.
Learn some

interesting facts about people of different nationalities.
Describe national traits of character of people from different countries.
Train to use the language of e-mails writing personal letters.
Слайд 3Let’s play.
Can you understand each other speaking English?

Слайд 4“Alias” – a German game. Translated “the same as / also known

Слайд 5These word combinations can help you:
It’s something that you can…
It’s a famous

person, who…
It’s a food (drink), that…
It’s a country, that…
Слайд 7Answer the questions:
What facts help to explain how Russians became who they

What have you learnt about them?
Who is a typical Russian man for you?
Слайд 10Special words:
BB [Bye Bye] — "Счастливо!" — удобная форма для того, чтобы
![Special words: BB [Bye Bye] — "Счастливо!" — удобная форма для того,](/_ipx/f_webp&q_80&fit_contain&s_1440x1080/imagesDir/jpg/1147485/slide-9.jpg)
быстро попрощаться.
ASAP [As Soon As Possible] — "Как можно раньше" — обычное оптимистическое обещание или же строгое требование.
OMG – [Oh, my God!] – «О, Боже!» служит для выражения целой палитры эмоций: от изумления до радости. Обычно встречается вкупе с зашкаливающим количеством восклицательных знаков и восторженных смайликов.
Слайд 11Acronyms.
Acronyms are abbreviated words formed from the first letters of other words

or word combinations.
The oldest acronyms are:
radar - ra(dio) d(etection) a(nd) r(anging)
laser – l(ight) a(mplification) by s(timulated) e(mission) of r(adiation)
Слайд 12Can you decode these messages?
Don’t be mad, CY I’m J/K! *W*
PLZ, inform

me ASAP!
Sorry, I CT now, I’m really BZ. CUL
I G2G, have a lot of homework 2 do. B4N!
GL and HAND tomorrow! *H*
Have u seen this picture? LOL!!!☺ WAU???
Can’t watch this video, CD9!
10Q! U really helped me! *S*
Слайд 13HOME TASK:
Pretend that you are traveling to some foreign country. Write an

e-mail to tell me about your visit. Use the acronyms and these options:
Dear Varvara Mikhailovna!
Here I am in ..., the land of …
Describe the place (people, weather) where you are.
Say what you are doing.
Say goodbye and sign your name.
Слайд 14Have we?
Trained to understand each other speaking English.
Learnt some interesting facts about

people of different nationalities.
Described national traits of character of people from different countries.
Trained to use the language of e-mails writing personal letters.
Слайд 15Extra task:
In modern American English there are some brand new words that

do not exist in Russia and that’s why they can not be translated into Russian.
Try to guess the meanings of these words.