Слайд 2Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! Let me introduce myself, my name is

Alexander Chiglintsev!
I represent the Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant, it is a plant with a wonderful name, so you will not find some of the plant's products anywhere in Russia and not even everywhere abroad.
Слайд 3 In the two thousand and eleventh year, I graduated from the university

and acquired the qualification of an engineer. During my studies, I acquired the necessary knowledge in my specialty, the ability to take responsibility, the ability to work with people, work experience, specific technical skills.
After graduating from university, I got a job as a mechanic at a metallurgical plant.
Слайд 4 Now I have enrolled to study for a master's degree. I have

purely professional goals. I hope that the new knowledge will allow me to achieve career growth at the enterprise. Even if I don't achieve my goals right away, the experience and knowledge I have gained still allow me to solve professional tasks in mechanical engineering.