Слайд 2General description of the idea
U-control voltage; r-resistance; i-current; n-number of rounds

of a magnet coil; Ф-magnetic flux; F-magnetic force; Q-gravitational force ; q-the current value of the air gap between a body and poles; δ-necessary distance of a body from electromagnet poles; m-body weight; g-acceleration of gravity.
Слайд 3Graphic representation of a levitron

Слайд 4Mathematical description
i – current in the coil, R – coil resistance,

L – inductance, y – distance between an object and an electromagnet, K – electromagnetic constant, v – traveling speed of an object, m – mass of an object.
Слайд 5Mathematical justification (1)

Слайд 6Mathematical justification (2)

Слайд 7Mathematical justification (3)

Слайд 8Mathematical justification (4)

Слайд 9List of components and common budget of the project
Table 1. Elements of

a levitron
Слайд 10Schedule of implementation of the project

Слайд 11Application and commercial justification