Слайд 2Arrow square
Arrow Square or "Strela" on our dialect, is located around the

obelisk. The monument was built for the 400 years since the founding of the city of Orel. It opened on September 17, 1966. Authors of architectural works are the architect R.K. Topuridze and sculptor A.I. Burganov. The obelisk is about 27 meters height. That’s the point where two rivers meet each other – Oka and Orlik. You can get there by boat, a journey that awakens the most romantic feelings.
Слайд 3Sculptural composition "Family"
The sculptural composition of the "Family" is located on the

territory of «MEGA GRINN». On this sculpture you will see parents who leads their children: the girl is going to eat a portion of ice cream, the boy pulls his mother aside, and he spotted something interesting. A man with a woman looks to each other's eyes – and they seems to be in love and happy.
Слайд 4Lenin Square
Lenin’s Square is the central square of the city of Orel.

Named in honor of the area's famous Soviet politician and statesman, revolutionary leader Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Square was created in the late 50-ies of the XX century. From 1961 to 1973 there were placed tram rails, that were connected with the city. Lenin’s Square is an important part of the city.
Слайд 5Lenin Street
Currently, Lenin’s Street is probably one of the most popular street

in the city. There are lots of cultural and administrative buildings, cafes, offices and public organizations. The length of the Lenin’s street is about 660 meters. It starts from the Alexandr’s Street that starts from the bridge and ends at the Lenin Square.