Слайд 2Name 7 professions
1. teacher
2. clown
3. shopkeeper
4. singer
5. pupil
6. doctor
7. cook

Слайд 3Answer the questions
1. What is he/she?
2. Where does he/she work?
3. What is

he/she going to do after work?
Слайд 4Answer the questions
1. What is he/she?
2. Where does he/she work?
3. What is

he/she going to do after work?
Слайд 5Answer the questions
1. What is he/she?
2. Where does he/she work?
3. What is

he/she going to do after work?
Слайд 6Answer the questions
1. What is he/she?
2. Where does he/she work?
3. What is

he/she going to do after work?
Слайд 7Answer the questions
1. What is he/she?
2. Where does he/she work?
3. What is

he/she going to do after work?
Слайд 8Answer the questions
1. What is he/she?
2. Where does he/she work?
3. What is

he/she going to do after work?
Слайд 9Answer the questions
1. What are they?
2. Where do they work?
3. What are

they going to do after work?
Слайд 10Наречия частотности
Слова, которые отвечают на вопрос: « Как часто?»