Overview of Grading at OMS

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How am I graded THROUGHOUT the quarter?

Scores on a 1-4 pt. scale

How am I graded THROUGHOUT the quarter? Formative Scores on a 1-4

that communicate daily progress
Regular feedback so that you can continue to adjust, correct, and grow
Scores on a 1-4 pt. scale based on mastery of content area (i.e., Science, Geography, etc.) standards in each class on your schedule

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How am I graded at the END of the quarter?

Receive reporting standard

How am I graded at the END of the quarter? Receive reporting
scores (1-4 scale)
Teacher ratings of proficiency (3) in each course standard addressed in a quarter
These scores are based on summative assessments

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4-pt. Proficiency Scale

4-pt. Proficiency Scale

Слайд 5

How am I graded at the END of the quarter?

Students will receive

How am I graded at the END of the quarter? Students will
learning skills scores (C,S,R)
Communicate work habits and behaviors:
Completes class assignments and homework in a timely fashion.
Cooperates well with students and staff.
Student is actively engaged in classroom learning.
These score are NOT linked to academic standards

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Learning Skills Scale

Learning Skills Scale

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How am I graded at the END of the SEMESTER?

Students will receive

How am I graded at the END of the SEMESTER? Students will
a final letter grade (A-F scale)
Grade in each course
The letter grade is based on the reporting standard scores

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Letter Grade Scale

Letter Grade Scale

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So, what will my report card look like?

So, what will my report card look like?

Слайд 10

How is GPA figured out?

Letter grade (A-F) for each class is put

How is GPA figured out? Letter grade (A-F) for each class is
back into a number grade (1-4)
The numbers for each class are added together
The total (from step 2) is divided by however many classes you have
(Note: Classes that meet every
other day only count as half.)

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GPA Example

GPA Example

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What about honor roll?

Honor Roll is 3.2+ grade point average
High Honor Roll

What about honor roll? Honor Roll is 3.2+ grade point average High
is 3.6+ grade point average
Beginning 2nd quarter a Closing the Gap
award is given to students who
improve their GPA by .5+ points

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How can I earn a 4?

Display mastery that exceeds

How can I earn a 4? Display mastery that exceeds grade level
level expectations
Teachers will sometimes share how to earn a 4; other times students will be expected to discover this on their own
It is possible that an assignment does not exceed mastery, in which case a 3 would be the top score possible

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Q: I earned a ‘3’ or ‘4’ on every standard in one

Q: I earned a ‘3’ or ‘4’ on every standard in one
of my classes 1st quarter. Since I am already proficient, what am I going to do the rest of the year?
A: What you need to know and be able to do for each standard becomes increasingly more difficult or complex as the year progresses.
For example, you might be expected to demonstrate a skill with less support from the teacher later in the year than in the beginning.
The score you receive each quarter reflects your performance in relationship to where we you to be at that point in the year.


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Q: I don’t understand why I got a ‘C’ in a class.

FAQ’s Q: I don’t understand why I got a ‘C’ in a
I earned ‘3’ and ‘2’ scores for the standards. Why didn’t I get a ‘B’?
A: Grades on standard scores are not averaged to determine a letter grade.
The teacher uses his or her professional judgment to determine the grade that best reflects your overall level of proficiency.
In this example, however, you likely earned ‘2’ scores on the standards that were most important this grading period.

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Q: I got the same standard scores in two different classes, but

FAQ’s Q: I got the same standard scores in two different classes,
I got an ‘A’ in math and got a ‘B’ in geography. How can that be?
A: In this case it is likely that you earned ‘4’ scores on the most challenging and important standards in math and likely received ‘3’ scores on the most important or challenging standards in geography.
However, in both situations, the teacher used professional judgment (not a mathematical average) to assign the grade that best captures your overall level of proficiency in the class.
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