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- Past Perfect
- 2. FORMATION had+Ved/VIII Affirmative Interrogative Negative I had worked Had I worked? I had not worked He
- 3. USE 1)The Past Perfect denotes an action completed before a certain moment in the past. The
- 4. For the sake of emphasis the word order may be inverted. No sooner had she laid
- 5. 3) The past perfect is used to denote an action which began before a definite moment
- 7. Скачать презентацию
Affirmative Interrogative Negative
I had worked Had I worked? I
Affirmative Interrogative Negative
I had worked Had I worked? I

had not worked
He had worked Had he worked? He had not worked
She had worked Had she worked? She had not worked
You had worked Had you worked? You had not worked
We had worked Had we worked? We had not worked
They had worked Had they worked? They had not worked
He had worked Had he worked? He had not worked
She had worked Had she worked? She had not worked
You had worked Had you worked? You had not worked
We had worked Had we worked? We had not worked
They had worked Had they worked? They had not worked
Слайд 3USE
1)The Past Perfect denotes an action completed before a certain moment in
1)The Past Perfect denotes an action completed before a certain moment in

the past. The moment may be indicated by another past action expressed by a verb in the Past Indefinite or by an adverbial phrase.
After she had cried out she felt easier.
The definite moment need not necessarily be expressed in the same sentence as the action expressed by the Past Perfect.
Everybody noticed how sad she was the whole evening. She had got an unpleasant letter.
After she had cried out she felt easier.
The definite moment need not necessarily be expressed in the same sentence as the action expressed by the Past Perfect.
Everybody noticed how sad she was the whole evening. She had got an unpleasant letter.
Слайд 4 For the sake of emphasis the word order may be inverted.
For the sake of emphasis the word order may be inverted.

No sooner had she laid herself down than she heard the prolonged trill of the front- door bell.
The Past Perfect is frequently used with the adverbs just, already, yet.
2) Sometimes the Past Perfect does not denote priority but only the completion of the action.
He waited until she had found the latch-key and opened the door.
Слайд 53) The past perfect is used to denote an action which began
3) The past perfect is used to denote an action which began

before a definite moment in the past, continued up to that moment and was still going on at that moment. It is called Past Perfect Inclusive. Here for and since is used.
the Past perfect Inclusive is used
With verbs not admitting of the Continuous form.
Examination convinced him that the deacon was dead-had been dead for some time.
2. In negative sentences
Those two had not spoken to each other for three days and were in a state of rage.
the Past perfect Inclusive is used
With verbs not admitting of the Continuous form.
Examination convinced him that the deacon was dead-had been dead for some time.
2. In negative sentences
Those two had not spoken to each other for three days and were in a state of rage.
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