- 2. Contents What Is Flash Mob(FM)? Flash Mob Principles. Flash Mob Rules. Flash Mob History. Flash Mob
- 3. What Is a Flash Mob? Flash-вспышка Mob-толпа A mobber-? Mobbing-? A Public gathering of complete strangers
- 4. Flash Mob Principles No violence. No advertisement. No politics. No crimes.
- 5. Flash Mob Rules Do not discuss the action before. Do not speak to others during the
- 6. Flash Mob History The first Flash Mob took place in New York in July 2003.
- 7. Flash Mob Actions Eating the same food Making a long queue Doing the same actions Wearing
- 8. Are You Ready to Discuss? Are you for or against a Flash Mob? Why? Would you
- 9. Why Not to Develop a Project? Create a flash mob logo. Draw a scenario. Develop some
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