As I understand “media education”

Слайд 2

There is no precise definition of “media education”.

As I understand it:

There is no precise definition of “media education”. As I understand it:
media is a set of means and channels of communication that serve to transfer all sorts of information from source to recipient. The means are tangible and intangible media content, including household items, objects of culture and art. Media education is the science of how content affects a person and how a person affects content. This science helps develop critical thinking.

Слайд 3

Head of the Department of media education Moscow state pedagogical University I.

Head of the Department of media education Moscow state pedagogical University I.
Zhilavskaya said: “Media education is an excellent tool for educational work, the formation of civic qualities”.

Слайд 4

My Media center

I work at a school where I'm trying to create

My Media center I work at a school where I'm trying to
a Media center. This will be the school edition of the web-edition. Children will learn how to create useful content while working in the editorial office. I will teach them not only to create their own media product (text, video, photo, etc.), but also correctly perceive information from the outside.
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