Слайд 2New Year
In Austria these holiday celebrated in accordance with the Gregorian calendar,

coming on the night of 31 December to 1 January. Last evening the outgoing year Austrians called «Silvesterabend», which means - An Evening of St. Sylvester.
Слайд 3A colorful place
The center of new year celebrations in Vienna. At the

Hofburg season opens the famous Viennese balls, And the Vienna Philharmonic orchestra gives two traditional concert on 31 December and 1 January.You can stroll along Vienna new trail. A two-kilometer trail is considered to be the biggest Christmas event in Europe
Слайд 4Traditions
Before Christmas and New Year , Austria transforms into a true winter

In Austria, the holiday begins with Christmas fairs.
On December 31 at the People's Opera and the State Opera traditionally we can listen the famous operetta "Die Fledermaus" by Johann Strauss.
You can visit the traditional parades Perchta, Christmas spirits, traditional character of the Austrian and German folklore.Christmas Carnivals with colorful masks are one of the most spectacular events of the alpine culture.
Слайд 5Traditions
One of the Christmas traditions in Austria - is to listen to

the sound of "Peace Bell", which is installed in the bell tower of the Cathedral of St. Stephen.
Austria has been believed that brings happiness and luck meeting on the street with a chimney sweep, equipped for the job.
In the early days of the New Year take divination, as in many European countries.
Слайд 6«Santa Claus»
The Austrians descends from heaven Christkind the Christ Child. It is

the little Christ - the essence of Christmas. He cares about the children and gives gifts.No one can change into the Christ Child. It is impossible to depict clothing and makeup. Therefore, there is only one Christkind. He comes December 24 - in "Holy night".
Слайд 7New Year's dishes
The main dish is the suckling pig which symbolizes good

luck in the New Year.
Among the "happy meals" on the table must also be present green peas - that money is not gone, and horseradish - that would be good health.
Another symbol of happiness is four-leaf clover, which is made of mint ice cream.
During these days are also popular fish dishes, in particular - Christmas carp.
The main drink is hot toddy (Feuerzangenbowle).
Слайд 8Christmas tree
Here, instead of the Traditional Christmas trees put "Christbaum" - Christ's

Christmas tree.
Bauernchristbaum - "peasant Christmas tree". This tree is dominated by red color.
Often use edible decorative elements: fruits, nuts and cakes.
Instead of the usual garlands used real candles.
Слайд 9Gifts
On the morning of 1st January children sing Christmas songs outdoors and

getting sweets. People exchange small chocolate or marzipan souvenirs for good luck (Glucksbringer) in the form of pigs, gold coins, chimney sweeps, clover or horseshoes.
Phrase "Prosit Neujahr" ("Happy New Year") people desire success and happiness in the New Year. And they say to each other "Gute Rutsch ins neue Jahr" ("Good luck in the beginning of new year")