- 2. It’s a…….. But is should be a…
- 3. It’s a…….. But is should be a…
- 4. It’s a…….. But is should be a…
- 5. It’s a…….. But is should be a…
- 7. Good afternoon, my dear! I need 1 teacher and 1 writer!
- 12. TEST Вниз по лестнице Вверх по лестнице Лестница Балкон Подвал Лифт Город (маленький) Деревня Чердак 1.Downstairs
- 19. Film!
- 20. Prison Video + practice!
- 21. Teach-taught-taught
- 22. Sell-sold-sold Buy-bought-bought
- 23. Smell-smelt-smelt
- 24. Feel-felt-felt
- 25. Go-went-gone
- 26. For coins!
- 27. Pres Perf 1.Video 2.Video task 3.Grammar ex + test
- 28. + video task!
- 34. Game with balls and board!
- 36. + bingo drawing!
- 40. Cards game or poker!
- 42. Скачать презентацию