Science and morality

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Science and morality

Science and morality are so far apart that it

Science and morality Science and morality are so far apart that it
is strange to even raise the question of their correlations and intersections. Science is a set of theoretical ideas about the world, focused on the expression in concepts and mathematical formulas of objective characteristics of reality, that is, those that do not depend on consciousness. Morality (morality), on the contrary, is a combination of values ​​and norms that regulate the behavior and consciousness of people from the point of view of the opposite of good and evil. Morality is based on human evaluations, commands to act in a certain way, depending on our life orientations, which means that it is occupied with nothing other than acting actors and their subjectivity.

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ETHICS - the philosophical science, the subject of study of which are

ETHICS - the philosophical science, the subject of study of which are
morality, morality. For the first time the term “ethics” was used by Aristotle, who developed ethics as a special science about the moral qualities of a person. Ethics explores the nature, internal structure, origin and historical development of morality, its place in the system of other social institutions. Morality - a set of unwritten rules that determine the good behavior of man. It relies on morals - a voluntary agreement of people who try to relate their feelings, aspirations and actions to the attitudes of others, to the interest and dignity of the whole society. MORALITY Art ReligionPolitics Right

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Moral - a form of social consciousness, consisting of a system of

Moral - a form of social consciousness, consisting of a system of
values ​​and requirements governing the behavior of people; a special type of regulation of people's behavior and relations between them based on following certain norms of communication and interaction; a system of social norms regulating human behavior based on ideas of good, justice, truth and other moral categories, as well as a special form of social consciousness (moral consciousness) public consciousness and the type of social relations that regulate the actions of people in society through norms; these are recognized, and not fixed by law.

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The golden rule of morality

«The golden rule of morality «(1 thousand BC)"

The golden rule of morality «The golden rule of morality «(1 thousand
Son, that seems bad to you, you should not do as comrades "- Old Assyrian teaching (VII century BC). The Chinese philosopher Confucius to the student’s question whether all my life to be guided by one word, answered: “This word is reciprocity. Do not do to others what you do not desire for yourself. ” Buddha says: "As he instructs the other, let him do so himself." The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ: "So, in everything that you want people to do with you, do so with you." In the Sunnah, the Muslim tradition about the life and work of the Prophet Muhammad: "What you don’t like in another, you don’t do that yourself." Kant's categorical imperative: “Always act according to such a maxim, the universality of which as a law you can desire at the same time” “The Golden Rule” is a very ancient wisdom, it still remains an elusive ideal.

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MORAL PRINCIPLES - the basic fundamental ideas about the proper behavior of

MORAL PRINCIPLES - the basic fundamental ideas about the proper behavior of
a person, on which moral standards are based
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