Company KarelStroyManufacture

Слайд 2

The name of my company is "KarelStroyManufacture".  The company works in all

The name of my company is "KarelStroyManufacture". The company works in all
the segments of the building market of Karelia and beyond the republic. (industrial complexes, reconstruction of hydralic works)

Слайд 3

Our customers are both ordinary people and third parties. We are leaders

Our customers are both ordinary people and third parties. We are leaders
in Karelia in the construction market.

Слайд 4

Over the years, my company is among the leaders of the Russian

Over the years, my company is among the leaders of the Russian
construction industry. My company has the honorary title "Elite of the Russian Construction Complex".

Слайд 5

The head of the "KSM" is director. There are more 1000 people

The head of the "KSM" is director. There are more 1000 people
in company.


Production director

Chief engineer

Executive director


Safety engineer

Execution department

Construction laboratory

Слайд 6

My company was founded in 1963. It was a small company. Now

My company was founded in 1963. It was a small company. Now
it is a big successful business.

Слайд 7

My company is divided into several branches:

-Construction laboratory
-KSM-finishing work
-Construction industry KSM
-Stroyinvest KSM

My company is divided into several branches: -Construction laboratory -KSM-finishing work -Construction
and etc.

Our products:

-reinforced concrete products
-finishing work
-construction of residential buildings and etc.

Слайд 8

Development plans

-to increase the number of clients
-to open new markets

Development plans -to increase the number of clients -to open new markets
Имя файла: Company-KarelStroyManufacture.pptx
Количество просмотров: 44
Количество скачиваний: 0