Слайд 2Small introduction
My name is Ranel and I am first year student of

KNRTU named after Tupolev.I'm going to give you information about me.
Слайд 3General
I was born on June fifth, 2001 in Kazan, where i live

at the moment.
Слайд 4My family
My family isn't big. It includes me, mother and grandmother.I have

no siblings, but i have cousins whom i haven't seen for a long time.
Слайд 5My education
All of past 11 years i studied 24th school. It is

near my home.Also There I went to chess in fourth and fifth year grades (i'm not play chess now), where i was one of three best players of group as a rule, and take part in various activities like a game “What?Where?When?” Almost all my friends at the moment are from this school.
Слайд 6My hobbies
Although i have not hobbies, there are things which sometimes i

interesting in.For example, mobile photography. I don’t take photo of all i see, but if i see interesting landscape or something other i take picture of it.Also sometimes i like to walk in evening city, it have nice atmosphere of night city (when days are short in autumn and winter).
Слайд 9About my neighbourhood
I think i live in place, which IS between bad

and good.The street where my home is, named after general Safiullin. There is good accessibility of transport.It have much of bus and trolley routes.Metro is in 10-15 minutes walk.Also my street have two various tram routes, it is half of routes in all city.
I can't forget about the beautiful field in half of hour walk from my home. There is a spring in ravine nearby it.