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- Английский язык
- Space Tourism
Слайд 2At the lesson:
Еx. 5 page 165 – 166 ( you should read,
At the lesson:
Еx. 5 page 165 – 166 ( you should read,
translate and answer the questions after the text )
“Out of This World”
“Out of This World”
You need to learn the information about space tourism and express you point of view on this topic.
Слайд 3Answer These Questions:
1. When did the era of space tourism begin?
2. Who
Answer These Questions:
1. When did the era of space tourism begin?
2. Who
was the first space tourist?
3. How many companies provide space
tourism in the world?
3. How many companies provide space
tourism in the world?
Слайд 4Your Homework:
Would you like to be a space tourist? Why? Why not?
Your Homework:
Would you like to be a space tourist? Why? Why not?
(Отвечают учащиеся 11 Б класса,5 предложений)
Do you think if it is possible to built orbital cities in space in the nearest future? Support your argument.
(Отвечают учащиеся 11 А класса, 8 предложений)
Do you think if it is possible to built orbital cities in space in the nearest future? Support your argument.
(Отвечают учащиеся 11 А класса, 8 предложений)
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