Speaking Games. The Extension Pack


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Welcome to our collection of speaking games! They are specially made for

Welcome to our collection of speaking games! They are specially made for
online classes, but also work for socially distanced or in-person classes generally.

Teacher Instructions

First, open the game in 'presentation' mode.
Use the menu to navigate, or pick a game with the random game generator. The instructions for each game are on each slide.

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Game List

Who’s in Your Family Tree?
Name Your Top Five…
What’s the Film?
What’s Wrong

Game List Who’s in Your Family Tree? Name Your Top Five… What’s
with the Picture?
Trip to Mars
Business Challenge
Vote for the Class President
Find Your Horoscope
Moral Dilemmas 1
Moral Dilemmas 2
Moral Dilemma: The Hot-Air Balloon
Visit to an Alien Planet
Job Interview 1
Job Interview 2

Find Out Something Amazing About...
Presenting… My Hobby
In the News
Can You Predict the Future?
Advertise This!
Design a Monster
Meet a Monster
The Class Hero
Visit London Challenges
Visit London Tube Challenges
Class Survey
Word Association
It’s a Dog’s Life!

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Surprise Me! The Random Game Generator




























Surprise Me! The Random Game Generator ? ? ? ? ? ?

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Who’s in Your Family Tree?

Steps: 1. Draw your family tree. 2. If

Who’s in Your Family Tree? Steps: 1. Draw your family tree. 2.
you can, find out more about each person. 3. Present your family tree to the class. 4. Answer three questions from your classmates.

Return to menu

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Name Your Top Five...

Instructions: Click on the box to reveal the question.

Name Your Top Five... Instructions: Click on the box to reveal the
Extra points for saying why these are your favourites.

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What are your top five games?

What are your top five books?

Who are your top five superheroes?

What are your top five pets?

What are your top five snacks?

What are your top five pizza toppings?

What are your top five ways to travel?

What are your top five songs?

What are your top five school subjects?

What are your top five places to visit in your town?

What are your top five films?

What are your top five kinds of fruit?













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What’s the Film?

Instructions: Your teacher will find a suitable film trailer

What’s the Film? Instructions: Your teacher will find a suitable film trailer
online. Students will be put into pairs. Student A will watch the video and tell their partner (Student B) what they’re seeing - without saying the names of the characters or actors, of course. Student B will have their eyes closed and listen to the description from their partners. Can they guess what the film is?

Return to menu

Phrases to help describing:

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What’s Wrong with the Picture?

Instructions: Look at the picture. Some things are

What’s Wrong with the Picture? Instructions: Look at the picture. Some things
just not normal!

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It looks like…

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Trip to Mars

Instructions: Good afternoon!
You have been chosen for a trip to

Trip to Mars Instructions: Good afternoon! You have been chosen for a
Mars. You’ll live there for five years. You can take five people of five different professions with you. Who will you take and why?

Return to menu

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Business Challenge

There’s an old building in the centre of your

Business Challenge Instructions: There’s an old building in the centre of your
nearest town.

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The town has decided to give the building (and £50,000) to the person with the best business plan. Prepare yours!

Think about: - what you’ll sell, and how much it’ll cost. - who your ‘target market’ will be. - what will make your product different. - how you will design the inside of the building. - how you will advertise your business.

Then answer questions from your classmates. The best business idea wins!

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Vote for the Class President

Instructions: Next week, your teacher is going on

Vote for the Class President Instructions: Next week, your teacher is going
holiday! You need to elect a class president who will be in charge while your teacher is away. You are all candidates. Write eight sentences with the rules you would have if you were the class president.

Return to menu

Ask questions to all the candidates and then vote. Who will be the class president?

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Find Your Horoscope

What’s your star sign? Do you believe in astrology?

Find Your Horoscope What’s your star sign? Do you believe in astrology?

Return to menu

Find a chart with predictions about your star sign for this year.
Tell the class what you found out. Were the predictions correct?
What do you predict will happen to you next year?

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Moral Dilemmas 1

Return to menu

Moral Dilemmas 1 Return to menu

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Moral Dilemmas 2

Return to menu

Moral Dilemmas 2 Return to menu

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Moral Dilemma: The Hot-Air Balloon

Pick a celebrity to be. (Real or

Moral Dilemma: The Hot-Air Balloon Instructions: Pick a celebrity to be. (Real
imaginary, alive or dead).
Five ‘celebrities’ will be chosen from the group to go on a hot-air balloon expedition.

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During the trip, the fuel is running low and the basket is too heavy. One of the celebrities will have to jump out into the sea… and almost certain death!

The five ‘celebrities’ have the chance to argue why they should be saved… and why another celebrity should die!

Students can vote on who should have to jump out. Continue until there is only one celebrity left in the hot-air balloon basket.

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Visit an Alien Planet

Congratulations! You made it to Mars. The only

Visit an Alien Planet Instructions: Congratulations! You made it to Mars. The
thing is… you’re not alone. There are aliens here!
The whole world is waiting for a video message about your experiences. Write some notes about what you want to say and present to your class. Remember to include:

How the journey went.
What Mars looks like.
What your camp looks like.
How you discovered the aliens.
What the aliens are like.
What challenges you have had.
A special message for your family and friends at home.

Return to menu

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Job Interview 1

Instructions: Read the job description.

Return to menu

Student A: You are

Job Interview 1 Instructions: Read the job description. Return to menu Student
the interviewer. Plan some questions to ask your candidates.
Student B: You want this job! Think of the relevant skills and experience that might help you to get the job.
Role-play the interview and feed back to the class. Did the candidate get the job? Why or why not?

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Job Interview 2

Instructions: Read the job description.

Return to menu

Student A: You are

Job Interview 2 Instructions: Read the job description. Return to menu Student
the interviewer. Plan some questions to ask your candidates.
Student B: You want this job! Think of the relevant skills and experience that might help you to get the job.
Role-play the interview and feed back to the class. Did the candidate get the job? Why or why not?

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Find Out Something Amazing About...

Instructions: Choose a topic and do some research.

Find Out Something Amazing About... Instructions: Choose a topic and do some

Tell your class five amazing facts that you found out!

Return to menu



Our solar system

Coral reefs




Black holes

Mushrooms and fungi


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Presenting… My Hobby!

Instructions: Think about what you’re really good at.

Return to

Presenting… My Hobby! Instructions: Think about what you’re really good at. Return

Can you teach your class something about your hobby?

Prepare some notes on what you want to say.
Your classmates will ask you questions after your presentation.

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In the News

Instructions: Take a look at a respected international, national or

In the News Instructions: Take a look at a respected international, national
local newspaper. You could also use Twinkl NewsRoom.

Return to menu

What’s the most interesting story? Read the story and make notes.

Present what you’ve learnt to your class.
What do you all think about this news story? What new words did you learn while reading?

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Can You Predict the Future?

Instructions: Imagine the year 2050. Can you make

Can You Predict the Future? Instructions: Imagine the year 2050. Can you
some predictions with your partner?

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Will we have jetpacks for short journeys?
Will we have electric planes?
Will we travel more or less than now?

Will we build floating cities on the sea?
Will we have carbon-neutral homes?
Will our homes be bigger or smaller than now?

Will people still get married?
Will people have more or fewer children than now?
Will we communicate with friends via hologram?

What new technology will exist?
Will robots do surgeries?
Will robots clean our houses?
Will we have AI?

Will most people work from home in 2050?
What new jobs will people do?
What jobs will no longer exist?

Will students learn at home or at school?
What new subjects will children learn in 2050?
What languages will students learn?


Technology and Media



Friends and Family


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Advertise This!

Instructions: Pick an object from your desk. Now make a TV

Advertise This! Instructions: Pick an object from your desk. Now make a
advert to sell it to your classmates!

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Remember to include:

A description of your object
What you can do with it
Why it’s better than other similar objects
Where you can buy it
How much it costs
Any special offers
Find out how many people will buy your product!

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Design a Monster

Instructions: Secretly draw a monster in your notebook. You can

Design a Monster Instructions: Secretly draw a monster in your notebook. You
be as creative as you like!

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Without showing anyone your picture, describe your monster to a friend, who has to draw it in their notebook. Compare the two monsters. Do they look the same or different? Now that you’ve drawn your monsters, can you think of names and personalities for them? Where do they live? What do they like and what are they scared of?

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Meet a Monster

Instructions: Use your monsters from the previous game. Imagine you

Meet a Monster Instructions: Use your monsters from the previous game. Imagine
are going to meet them! Think of eight questions you’d like to ask.

Return to menu

Now role-play the interview, with one student playing the monster.

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A Class Hero

Instructions: Think of someone that you know personally (not a

A Class Hero Instructions: Think of someone that you know personally (not
celebrity) that you really admire. Make some notes on:
Their basic information (name, age etc)
Their life story
Why you admire them
The best time you’ve spent together

Return to menu

Present to the class. Ask and answer questions. Who does the class most admire? They are your new class hero!

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Visit London Challenges

Return to menu

Buy a cup of tea in a cafe!


Visit London Challenges Return to menu Buy a cup of tea in

Visit the London Aquarium!

Remember to:

Say hello.
Find out how much a medium cup of tea costs.
Ask to have it ‘to take away’.
Ask where the sugar is.
Ask where the toilet is.
Say thank you!

Say hello.
Ask how much a ticket is.
Ask if they have a student discount.
Ask if they have a guide book.
Ask what time the aquarium closes.

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Visit London Tube Challenges

Return to menu

Instructions: Look at a map of the

Visit London Tube Challenges Return to menu Instructions: Look at a map
Underground. Choose a starting point. Ask your partner ‘How do I get to from here?’ and see if your partner can describe the journey.

Tell your partner what station you’re starting at. Describe a journey. Don’t say your final destination - see if your partner can follow your description and guess.

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Class Survey

Return to menu

Instructions: Choose a question, or invent one of your

Class Survey Return to menu Instructions: Choose a question, or invent one
How many people in your class have a pet dog?
How many people in your class know how to skateboard?
How many people in your class know how to make a cake?
How many people in your class like pineapple on pizza?
How many people in your class can count to ten in three languages?

Make a prediction.
Survey the class to find out if you were correct.
Feedback to the class.
Invent your own question and play again!

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Word Association

Return to menu

Instructions: Make a circle (or decide the order

Word Association Return to menu Instructions: Make a circle (or decide the
in which you will speak).
One student says a word. Then, the next student says the first word they think of when they hear that word. Continue on like this.

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It’s a Dog’s Life!

Return to menu

Instructions: Imagine you are your pet (or

It’s a Dog’s Life! Return to menu Instructions: Imagine you are your
someone else’s pet)!
Talk about your day.

Remember to include:

What you do every day
Your favourite and least favourite things
How you feel
What you want to do in the future
What your ‘people’ are like

Имя файла: Speaking-Games.-The-Extension-Pack.pptx
Количество просмотров: 63
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