Слайд 4In Russia the appearance of shooting refers to the first half of

the 18th century.
Слайд 5The first success came to the Russian athletes at the Olympics in

1912 in Stockholm.
Слайд 6A silver medal in pistol shooting was won by an outstanding Russian

sportsman-Nikolai Panin-Kolomenkin, who was also the Olympic champion in figure skating.
Слайд 7Aleksey
was the

Слайд 8Our former brilliant school student Sergey Vladimirovich Polyakov was the silver medalist

of the Olympic Games of 2004, World champion in 1994. He is three-time European champion and multiple champion of Russia (1993-2004)
Слайд 10 Sergei never thought that he would be among Olympic Winners. He

had very high marks at school. At the same time he studied at a music school and learned to play the accordion. Sergei took part in the shooting competition by chance and was ahead of his shocked mentor. He took shooting as profession after military service.
Слайд 13As a boy he dreamed that his photo would be on the

school stand "Our School Pride". Now the name of Sergei Polyakov is inscribed not only in the history of our school but in the history of Karpinsk and Russia.
Слайд 14 Sergey’s dream
become true.

Слайд 15We asked Sergey some questions .Here is one of them.
What can you

advise the students of our school?
Sergey said, “Let sport accompany all your life. Train your muscles and brain. I wish you good health and success.”